Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Power efficiency in the violin

New study identifies key design features that boost violins’ acoustic power.

Some of the most prized violins in the world were crafted in the Italian workshops of Amati, Stradivari, and Guarneri — master violinmaking families from the 17th and 18th centuries who produced increasingly powerful instruments in the renaissance and baroque musical eras. These violins, worth millions of dollars today, represent the Cremonese period — what is now considered the golden age of violinmaking.

Freedawn Scientia - Power efficiency in the violin New study identifies key design features that boost violins’ acoustic power. From the 10th to 18th centuries, the sound holes of the violin, and its ancestors, evolved from simple circles to more elongated f-holes.

Now acousticians and fluid dynamicists at MIT, along with violinmakers at the North Bennet Street School in Boston, have analyzed measurements from hundreds of Cremonese-era violins, identifying key design features that contribute to these particular violins’ acoustic power, or fullness of sound.

The team acquired technical drawings of Cremonese-era violins from museums, collector databases, and books, as well as X-ray and CAT scans of the instruments. They compared the dimensions of various features from one instrument to another, as well as measurements of acoustic resonances across instruments.

The researchers found that a key feature affecting a violin’s sound is the shape and length of its “f-holes,” the f-shaped openings through which air escapes: The more elongated these are, the more sound a violin can produce. What’s more, an elongated sound hole takes up little space on the violin, while still producing a full sound — a design that the researchers found to be more power-efficient than the rounder sound holes of the violin’s ancestors, such as medieval fiddles, lyres, and rebecs.

The thickness of a violin’s back plate also contributes to its acoustic power. Violins carved from wood are relatively elastic: As the instrument produces sound, the violin’s body may respond to the air vibrations, contracting and expanding minutely. A thicker back plate, they found, would boost a violin’s sound.

The researchers found that as violins were crafted first by Amati, then Stradivari, and finally Guarneri, they slowly evolved to more elongated f-holes and thicker back plates.

But were the design changes intentional? To answer this question, the researchers worked the measurements from hundreds of Cremonese-era violins into an evolutionary model, and found that any change in design could reasonably be explained by natural mutation — or, in this case, craftsmanship error.

In other words, makers may have crafted violins with longer sound holes and thicker back plates not by design, but by accident.

“We found that if you try to replicate a sound hole exactly from the last one you made, you’ll always have a little error,” says Nicholas Makris, a professor of mechanical and ocean engineering at MIT. “You’re cutting with a knife into thin wood and you can’t get it perfectly, and the error we report is about 2 percent … always within what would have happened if it was an evolutionary change, accidentally from random fluctuations.”

Freedawn Scientia - Power efficiency in the violin New study identifies key design features that boost violins’ acoustic power. Researchers found most of the sound produced from the violin and its ancestors flows through a sound hole’s perimeter, not its interior.

Makris stresses that while each violinmaker inarguably possessed a good ear — in order to recognize and replicate the violins that sounded best — whether they recognized the particular design elements that contribute to a more powerful sound is still up for debate.

“People had to be listening, and had to be picking things that were more efficient, and were making good selection of what instrument to replicate,” Makris says. “Whether they understood, ‘Oh, we need to make [the sound hole] more slender,’ we can’t say. But they definitely knew what was a better instrument to replicate.”

Makris and his colleagues from MIT and the North Bennett Street School publish their results this week in the Proceedings of the Royal Society: A.

There’s power in shape

Makris didn’t originally set out to study violin acoustics: His work is primarily in ocean exploration with acoustics, developing and applying technology to sense marine life and ocean phenomenon over large areas. But about a decade ago, he took up a new hobby, playing the lute.

“I’m an acoustics expert, but promised myself I wouldn’t think about the acoustics of the instrument, I’m just going to play the thing,” Makris remembers.

That thinking didn’t last long, as Makris started talking with lutemakers and players in an effort to better understand the instrument — which was once Europe’s most popular, but became effectively extinct for centuries before its recent re-emergence. The lute is much quieter than the violin: In addition to other design differences, its sound holes are circular rather than f-shaped, with elaborate interior carvings known as rosettes, inherited from the lute’s Middle Eastern ancestor, the oud.

Several years ago, a noted lute player approached Makris with an intriguing quandary: Do the carvings within a lute’s sound hole make a difference to the overall sound produced? Makris realized that the relevant frequencies of sound were in the range where airflow through the sound hole behaves nearly as an incompressible fluid, and enlisted the help of Yuming Liu, a principal research scientist in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The team modeled the airflow through a simple round hole, as well as a more elaborately patterned hole of the same diameter, and found that in both cases, the air flowed fastest at the hole’s periphery; its interior, whether open or partially filled, did not significantly affect the airflow.

Answering the musician’s simple question turned into a seven-year project in which the team examined the acoustic dynamics of stringed instruments through time, from the oud, lute, and medieval fiddles to the guitar and ultimately the violin — a period spanning from the 10th century to the 18th century. Analysis of the violin came at the urging of team member Roman Barnas, director of violinmaking and repair at the North Bennet Street School, an expert on the construction of early instruments.

Throughout the 800-year period the researchers examined, they noted an evolution in sound-hole shape — from a simple round hole to a semicircle, which eventually morphed into a c-shape that grew more elongated, ultimately assuming the f-shape of the violin. The perimeter of these shapes steadily grew, while the area of the interior void gradually decreased.

As with the evolution in length of the violin’s f-hole during the Cremonese period, Makris’ team found that the overall shape of the violin’s ancestors slowly evolved to be more powerful and more acoustically efficient — though not necessarily by design.

“We think these changes are still within the possibility of natural mutation,” Makris says. “All of these subtle parameters of shape, we’ve modeled, and are able to make very good predictions on what the effects will be on frequency and power.”

Makris says the group’s results may be useful for master violinmakers looking to design more powerful, fuller-sounding instruments — although he acknowledges that there’s more to producing a quality violin than adjusting a few parameters.

“Mystery is good, and there’s magic in violinmaking,” Makris says. “Some makers, I don’t know how they do it — it’s an art form. They have their techniques and methods. But here, for us, it’s good to understand scientifically as much as you can.”

This research was funded in part by the Office of Naval Research.

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Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office

Power efficiency in the violin

Small-scale challenges to the cold dark matter model

A collaborative of researchers from several U.S. universities has published a new paper that explains the major contradictions presented by the prevailing cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological model, and proposes approaches for reconciling cosmological observations with the CDM model’s predictions. The paper, titled “Cold dark matter: Controversies on small scales,” was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in December.

Freedawn Scientia - Small-scale challenges to the cold dark matter model The cusp-core problem. An optical image of the galaxy F568-3 (small inset, from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey) is superposed on the the dark matter distribution from the “Via Lactea” cosmological simulation of a Milky Way-mass cold dark matter halo (Diemand et al. 2007). In the simulation image, intensity encodes the square of the dark matter density, which is proportional to annihilation rate and highlights low mass substructure The cusp-core problem. An optical image of the galaxy F568-3 (small inset, from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey) is superposed on the the dark matter distribution from the “Via Lactea” cosmological simulation of a Milky Way-mass cold dark matter halo (Diemand et al. 2007). In the simulation image, intensity encodes the square of the dark matter density, which is proportional to annihilation rate and highlights low mass substructure. Credit: arXiv:1306.0913.

In the last decade, investigations of the CDM cosmological model have explained cosmic structure over large spans of redshift. The prevailing theory holds that 80 percent of the matter comprising the universe consists of CDM, with a smaller percentage of baryonic matter composing the visible and more easily observed structures such as stars and planets.

The CDM model successfully demonstrates how the smooth early state of the universe evolved into the lumpy distribution of matter observed in galaxies and galactic clusters today. By contrast with the older “hot dark matter” model, CDM theory holds that universal structure grows hierarchically, with small-scale gravitational structures forming successively larger structures over time.

Despite its success as a model of universal evolution over long periods, the predictions made by the CDM cosmological model diverge from observational data in several problematic ways.

The “cusp-core” problem

Cosmologists believe that galaxies are suspended within vast, essentially spherical halos of dark matter. Cosmological simulations suggest that that CDM halos should have a “cuspy” distribution, with density spikes of dark matter at the centers of galaxies. However, the observed rotational speeds of galaxies fail to indicate the predicted density of dark matter in galactic cores.

The authors note that the the biggest discrepancies between the CDM model’s predictions and the observational data arise for fairly small galaxies, and that a majority of galaxy rotation curves have so-called “cored” dark matter profiles, rather than the “cuspy” profiles of the predictions.

They describe possible solutions to this contradiction derived from the physics of baryonic matter. Simulations incorporating episodic models of star formation and supernovae feedback into the overall CDM model yield results more closely aligned with the flat CDM distributions actually observed in galaxies. The authors note that in a hydrodynamic simulation with star formation and feedback, “over time, the central dark matter density drops and the cuspy profile is transformed to one with a nearly constant density core.”

The “missing satellite” problem

Large galaxies are orbited by systems of smaller satellite galaxies, each with its own dark matter halo. The authors explain, “Because CDM preserves primordial fluctuation down to very small scales, halos today are filled with enormous numbers of subhalos that collapse in the early times and preserve their identities after falling into larger systems.”

The problem is that CDM simulations predict a higher number of these satellites around galaxies like the Milky Way than observations reveal. Prior to 2000, only nine dwarf galaxies were known at the 250 kiloparsec virial radius of the Milky Way halo; researchers had predicted on the order of five to 20 more dwarf galaxies above a certain velocity threshold at that radius. Where are these missing satellite galaxies?

The authors believe that the “missing satellite” problem can be easily resolved by incorporating baryonic physics. The velocity threshold at which at which the subhalo observations diverge from the predictions is close to the value at which heating of intergalactic gases by the UV photoionizing background should suppress gas accretion onto halos. This dynamic could explain why proposed subhalos remain dark.

The observation of these subhalos is difficult for many reasons, including the relative dimness of many dwarf galaxies, and consequently, there remain gaps in the understanding of dwarf galaxy populations.

The “too big to fail” problem

Galactic simulations predict subhalos with central masses which cosmologists expect to host classical dwarf galaxies like the Milky Way’s. However, the mass at the centers of these simulated subhalos actually exceeds the observed masses in the most luminous galactic satellites. The authors concede that it is possible in principle that the observed dwarf galaxies reside within less massive host subhalos, but it is physically very unlikely to be the case. Thus, researchers have described this conflict as the “too big to fail” problem.

Here, the authors write, “The degree of discrepancy varies with the particular realization of halo substructure and with the mass of the main halo, but even for a halo mass at the low end of estimates for the Milky Way, the discrepancy appears too large to be a statistical fluke, and a similar conflict is found in the satellite system of the Andromeda galaxy.”

Additionally, they note that satellites in low-mass subhalos may also be explained by baryonic effects for which simulations have not yet accounted, but the “too big to fail” problem arises within more massive systems with gravitational potential that is dominated by dark matter. As in the “cusp-core” problem, the simulations predict too much mass in the central regions of subhalos.

Exploring dark-matter solutions

If future researchers want to upend the current CDM model in favor of an alternative, the authors suggest that a potential solution may lie in assuming a “warm dark matter” model in which free-streaming velocities in the early universe are substantial enough “to erase primordial fluctuations on subgalactic scales.” The good news: Collisionless collapse of warm dark matter (WDM) still leads to a cuspy halo profile in simulations, but the central concentration is actually lower than that of CDM models, more closely aligning with the observations of galaxy rotation curves. As a result, the mass function of halos and subhalos drops at low masses in the absence of small-scale perturbations that produce collapsed objects, and the subhalo mass function corresponds with observational dwarf satellite counts.

The bad news: WDM eliminates power on small scales, resulting in too few subhalos in the Milky Way to support the number of dwarf galaxies observed. The authors conclude that despite some remaining uncertainties in the numerical simulations and observational data, it appears that WDM cannot solve the cusp-core and missing satellite problems with regard to cosmological observations.

Future developments

Hope for the refinement of CDM to align it with observations may come from one or more future research directions:

Improved simulations of models interacting with dark matter may solve the small-scale problems, or find that parameters chosen to match one set of observations fail when applied to another set.

Researchers could make a direct test of the CDM prediction that vast numbers of low-mass subhalos are orbiting within the virial radius of large galaxies.

Improved measurements of stellar velocities in satellite galaxies may better delineate the satellite problem.

Underground detection experiments, next-generation observatories, or collider experiments could identify the dark matter particle within the next decade.

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More information: David H. Weinberg, James S. Bullock, Fabio Governato, Rachel Kuzio de Naray, Annika H. G. Peter. “Cold dark matter: controversies on small scales.” PNAS (2015)… /1308716112.abstract . On Arxiv: arXiv:1306.0913.


The cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological model has been remarkably successful in explaining cosmic structure over an enormous span of redshift, but it has faced persistent challenges from observations that probe the innermost regions of dark matter halos and the properties of the Milky Way’s dwarf galaxy satellites. We review the current observational and theoretical status of these “small-scale controversies.” Cosmological simulations that incorporate only gravity and collisionless CDM predict halos with abundant substructure and central densities that are too high to match constraints from galaxy dynamics. The solution could lie in baryonic physics: Recent numerical simulations and analytical models suggest that gravitational potential fluctuations tied to efficient supernova feedback can flatten the central cusps of halos in massive galaxies, and a combination of feedback and low star formation efficiency could explain why most of the dark matter subhalos orbiting the Milky Way do not host visible galaxies. However, it is not clear that this solution can work in the lowest mass galaxies, where discrepancies are observed. Alternatively, the small-scale conflicts could be evidence of more complex physics in the dark sector itself. For example, elastic scattering from strong dark matter self-interactions can alter predicted halo mass profiles, leading to good agreement with observations across a wide range of galaxy mass. Gravitational lensing and dynamical perturbations of tidal streams in the stellar halo provide evidence for an abundant population of low-mass subhalos in accord with CDM predictions. These observational approaches will get more powerful over the next few years.

Small-scale challenges to the cold dark matter model

Quantum equation predicts universe had no beginning

The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark matter and dark energy, resolving multiple problems at once.

Freedawn Scientia - Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning. No Big Bang This is an artist’s concept of the metric expansion of space, where space (including hypothetical non-observable portions of the universe) is represented at each time by the circular sections. Note on the left the dramatic expansion (not to scale) occurring in the inflationary epoch, and at the center the expansion acceleration. The scheme is decorated with WMAP images on the left and with the representation of stars at the appropriate level of development. Credit: NASA

The widely accepted age of the universe, as estimated by general relativity, is 13.8 billion years. In the beginning, everything in existence is thought to have occupied a single infinitely dense point, or singularity. Only after this point began to expand in a “Big Bang” did the universe officially begin.

Although the Big Bang singularity arises directly and unavoidably from the mathematics of general relativity, some scientists see it as problematic because the math can explain only what happened immediately after—not at or before—the singularity.

“The Big Bang singularity is the most serious problem of general relativity because the laws of physics appear to break down there,” Ahmed Farag Ali at Benha University and the Zewail City of Science and Technology, both in Egypt, told

Ali and coauthor Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, have shown in a paper published in Physics Letters B that the Big Bang singularity can be resolved by their new model in which the universe has no beginning and no end.

Old ideas revisited

The physicists emphasize that their quantum correction terms are not applied ad hoc in an attempt to specifically eliminate the Big Bang singularity. Their work is based on ideas by the theoretical physicist David Bohm, who is also known for his contributions to the philosophy of physics. Starting in the 1950s, Bohm explored replacing classical geodesics (the shortest path between two points on a curved surface) with quantum trajectories.

In their paper, Ali and Das applied these Bohmian trajectories to an equation developed in the 1950s by physicist Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri at Presidency University in Kolkata, India. Raychaudhuri was also Das’s teacher when he was an undergraduate student of that institution in the ’90s.

Using the quantum-corrected Raychaudhuri equation, Ali and Das derived quantum-corrected Friedmann equations, which describe the expansion and evolution of universe (including the Big Bang) within the context of general relativity. Although it’s not a true theory of quantum gravity, the model does contain elements from both quantum theory and general relativity. Ali and Das also expect their results to hold even if and when a full theory of quantum gravity is formulated.

No singularities nor dark stuff

In addition to not predicting a Big Bang singularity, the new model does not predict a “big crunch” singularity, either. In general relativity, one possible fate of the universe is that it starts to shrink until it collapses in on itself in a big crunch and becomes an infinitely dense point once again.

Ali and Das explain in their paper that their model avoids singularities because of a key difference between classical geodesics and Bohmian trajectories. Classical geodesics eventually cross each other, and the points at which they converge are singularities. In contrast, Bohmian trajectories never cross each other, so singularities do not appear in the equations.

In cosmological terms, the scientists explain that the quantum corrections can be thought of as a cosmological constant term (without the need for dark energy) and a radiation term. These terms keep the universe at a finite size, and therefore give it an infinite age. The terms also make predictions that agree closely with current observations of the cosmological constant and density of the universe.

New gravity particle

In physical terms, the model describes the universe as being filled with a quantum fluid. The scientists propose that this fluid might be composed of gravitons—hypothetical massless particles that mediate the force of gravity. If they exist, gravitons are thought to play a key role in a theory of quantum gravity.

In a related paper, Das and another collaborator, Rajat Bhaduri of McMaster University, Canada, have lent further credence to this model. They show that gravitons can form a Bose-Einstein condensate (named after Einstein and another Indian physicist, Satyendranath Bose) at temperatures that were present in the universe at all epochs.

Motivated by the model’s potential to resolve the Big Bang singularity and account for dark matter and dark energy, the physicists plan to analyze their model more rigorously in the future. Their future work includes redoing their study while taking into account small inhomogeneous and anisotropic perturbations, but they do not expect small perturbations to significantly affect the results.

“It is satisfying to note that such straightforward corrections can potentially resolve so many issues at once,” Das said.

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More information: Ahmed Farag Ali and Saurya Das. “Cosmology from quantum potential.” Physics Letters B. Volume 741, 4 February 2015, Pages 276–279. DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.12.057. Also at: arXiv:1404.3093[gr-qc].

Saurya Das and Rajat K. Bhaduri, “Dark matter and dark energy from Bose-Einstein condensate”, preprint: arXiv:1411.0753[gr-qc].

Quantum equation predicts universe had no beginning

Geologists unlock mysteries of the Earths inner core

Seismic waves are helping scientists to plumb the world’s deepest mystery: the planet’s inner core.

Freedawn Scientia - Earth's surprise inside: Geologists unlock mysteries of the planet's inner core EARTH, Earths core A research team from the University of Illinois and colleagues in China found earth’s inner core has an inner core of its own, with crystals aligned in a different direction. Credit: Lachina Publishing Services

Thanks to a novel application of earthquake-reading technology, a research team at the University of Illinois and colleagues at Nanjing University in China have found that the Earth’s inner core has an inner core of its own, which has surprising properties that could reveal information about our planet.

Led by Xiaodong Song, a professor of geology at the U. of I., and visiting postdoctoral researcher Tao Wang, the team published its work in the journal Nature Geoscience on Feb. 9.

“Even though the inner core is small – smaller than the moon – it has some really interesting features,” said Song. “It may tell us about how our planet formed, its history, and other dynamic processes of the Earth. It shapes our understanding of what’s going on deep inside the Earth.”

Researchers use seismic waves from earthquakes to scan below the planet’s surface, much like doctors use ultrasound to see inside patients. The team used a technology that gathers data not from the initial shock of an earthquake, but from the waves that resonate in the earthquake’s aftermath. The earthquake is like a hammer striking a bell; much like a listener hears the clear tone that resonates after the bell strike, seismic sensors collect a coherent signal in the earthquake’s coda.

“It turns out the coherent signal enhanced by the technology is clearer than the ring itself,” said Song. “The basic idea of the method has been around for a while, and people have used it for other kinds of studies near the surface. But we are looking all the way through the center of the Earth.”

Looking through the core revealed a surprise at the center of the planet – though not of the type envisioned by novelist Jules Verne.

The inner core, once thought to be a solid ball of iron, has some complex structural properties. The team found a distinct inner-inner core, about half the diameter of the whole inner core. The iron crystals in the outer layer of the inner core are aligned directionally, north-south. However, in the inner-inner core, the iron crystals point roughly east-west.

Not only are the iron crystals in the inner-inner core aligned differently, they behave differently from their counterparts in the outer-inner core. This means that the inner-inner core could be made of a different type of crystal, or a different phase.

“The fact that we have two regions that are distinctly different may tell us something about how the inner core has been evolving,” Song said. “For example, over the history of the Earth, the inner core might have had a very dramatic change in its deformation regime. It might hold the key to how the planet has evolved. We are right in the center – literally, the center of the Earth.”

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More information: Equatorial anisotropy in the inner part of Earth’s inner core from autocorrelation of earthquake coda, Nature Geoscience, DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2354

Provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Geologists unlock mysteries of the Earths inner core

Bacterial armor holds clues for self-assembling nanostructures

Imagine thousands of copies of a single protein organizing into a coat of chainmail armor that protects the wearer from harsh and ever-changing environmental conditions. That is the case for many microorganisms. In a new study, researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have uncovered key details in this natural process that can be used for the self-assembly of nanomaterials into complex two- and three-dimensional structures.

Freedawn Scientia - Bacterial armor holds clues for self-assembling nanostructures, Many bacteria and archaea encase themselves within a self-assembling protective shell of S-layer proteins, like chainmail armor. The process is a model for the self-assembly of 2D and 3D organic and inorganic nanostructures. Many bacteria and archaea encase themselves within a self-assembling protective shell of S-layer proteins, like chainmail armor. The process is a model for the self-assembly of 2D and 3D organic and inorganic nanostructures.

Caroline Ajo-Franklin, a chemist and synthetic biologist at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry, led this study in which high-throughput light scattering measurements were used to investigate the self-assembly of 2D nanosheets from a common bacterial surface layer (S-layer) protein. This protein, called “SbpA,” forms the protective armor for Lysinibacillus sphaericus, a soil bacterium used as a toxin to control mosquitoes. Their investigation revealed that calcium ions play a key role in how this armor assembles. Two key roles actually.

“Calcium ions not only trigger the folding of the protein into the correct shape for nanosheet formation, but also serve to bind the nanosheets together,” Ajo-Franklin says. “By establishing and using light scattering as a proxy for SbpA nanosheet formation, we were able to determine how varying the concentrations of calcium ions and SbpA affects the size and shape of the S-layer armor.”

Details on this study have been published in the journal ACS Nano in a paper titled “Ion-Specific Control of the Self-Assembly Dynamics of a Nanostructured Protein Lattice.” Ajo-Franklin is the corresponding author. Co-authors are Behzad Rad, Thomas Haxton, Albert Shon, Seong-Ho Shin and Stephen Whitelam.

In the microbial world of bacteria and archaea, external threats abound. Their surrounding environment can transition from extreme heat to extreme cold, or from highly acidic to highly basic. Predators are everywhere. To protect themselves, many bacteria and archaea encase themselves within a shell of S-layer proteins. While scientists have known about this protective coating for many years, how it forms has been a mystery.

Ajo-Franklin and her colleagues have been exploring self-assembling proteins as a potential means of creating nanostructures with complex structure and function.

“At the Molecular Foundry, we’ve gotten really good at making nanomaterials into different shapes but we are still learning how to assemble these materials into organized structures,” she says. “S-layer proteins are abundant biological proteins known to self-assemble into 2D crystalline nanosheets with lattice symmetries and pore sizes that are about the same dimensions as quantum dots and nanotubes. This makes them a compelling model system for the creation of nanostructured arrays of organic and inorganic materials in a bottom-up fashion.”

Freedawn Scientia - Bacterial armor holds clues for self-assembling nanostructures, Many bacteria and archaea encase themselves within a self-assembling protective shell of S-layer proteins, like chainmail armor. The process is a model for the self-assembly of 2D and 3D organic and inorganic nanostructures. The binding of calcium ions to SbpA proteins starts the process by which the SbpA self-assembles into nanosheets. Ca2+ binds to SbpA with an affinity of 67 μM. Credit: Image courtesy of Ajo-Franklin group, Berkeley Lab

In this latest study, light-scattering measurements were used to map out diagrams that revealed the relative yield of self-assembled nanosheets over a wide range of concentrations of SbpA and calcium ions. In addition, the effects of substituting manganese or barium ions for calcium ions were examined to distinguish between a chemically specific and generic divalent cation role for the calcium ions. Behzad Rad, the lead author of the ACS Nano paper, and co-workers followed light-scattering by light in the visible spectrum. They then correlated the signal to nanosheet formation by using electron microscopy and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), a technology that can provide information on molecular assemblies in just about any type of solution. The SAXS measurements were obtained at the “SIBYLS beamline (12.3.1) of Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source.

“We learned that only calcium ions trigger the SbpA self-assembly process and that the concentrations of calcium ions inside the cell are too low for nanosheets to form, which is a good thing for the bacterium,” says Rad. “We also found that the time evolution of the light scattering traces is consistent with the irreversible growth of sheets from a negligibly small nucleus. As soon as five calcium ions bind to a SbpA protein, the process starts and the crystal grows really fast. The small nucleus is what makes our light-scattering technique work.”

Ajo-Franklin, Rad and their co-authors believe their light-scattering technique is applicable to any type of protein that self-assembles into 2D nanosheets, and can be used to monitor growth from the nanometer to the micrometer scales.

Given the rugged nature of the S-layer proteins and their adhesive quality – bacteria use their S-layer armor to attach themselves to their surroundings – there are many intriguing applications awaiting further study.

“One project we’re exploring is using SbpA proteins to make adhesive nanostructures that could be used to remove metals and other contaminants from water,” Ajo-Franklin says. “Now that we have such a good handle on how SbpA proteins self-assemble, we’d like to start mixing and matching them with other molecules to create new and useful structures.”

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More information: ACS Nano,

Provided by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Bacterial armor holds clues for self-assembling nanostructures

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Hubble Captures A Smiling Lens

In the center of this image, taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the galaxy cluster SDSS J1038+4849 — and it seems to be smiling.

Freedawn Scientia - Hubble Sees A Smiling Lens

You can make out its two orange eyes and white button nose. In the case of this “happy face”, the two eyes are very bright galaxies and the misleading smile lines are actually arcs caused by an effect known as strong gravitational lensing.

Galaxy clusters are the most massive structures in the Universe and exert such a powerful gravitational pull that they warp the spacetime around them and act as cosmic lenses which can magnify, distort and bend the light behind them. This phenomenon, crucial to many of Hubble’s discoveries, can be explained by Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

In this special case of gravitational lensing, a ring — known as an Einstein Ring — is produced from this bending of light, a consequence of the exact and symmetrical alignment of the source, lens and observer and resulting in the ring-like structure we see here.

Hubble has provided astronomers with the tools to probe these massive galaxies and model their lensing effects, allowing us to peer further into the early Universe than ever before. This object was studied by Hubble’s Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) and Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) as part of a survey of strong lenses.

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Hubble Captures A Smiling Lens

Diamonds could help bring proteins into focus

New technique could use tiny diamond defects to reveal unprecedented detail of molecular structures.

Proteins are the building blocks of all living things, and they exist in virtually unlimited varieties, most of whose highly complex structures have not yet been determined. Those structures could be key to developing new drugs or to understanding basic biological processes.

Freedawn Scientia - Diamonds could help bring proteins into focus Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond could potentially determine the structure of single protein molecules at room temperature. Here the NV center is 2 to 3 nanometers below the surface, and the protein molecule is placed above it.

But figuring out the arrangement of atoms in these complicated, folded molecules usually requires getting them to form crystals large enough to be observed in detail — and for many proteins, that is either impossible or dauntingly difficult.

Now a new technique being developed by researchers at MIT and elsewhere shows great promise for producing highly detailed images of individual proteins, no matter how complicated their structure, without the need for crystallization. The findings are described in the journal Physical Review X by MIT graduate student Ashok Ajoy, postdoc Ulf Bissbort, associate professor of nuclear science and engineering Paola Cappellaro, and others at MIT, the Singapore University of Technology and Design, and Harvard University.

The technique makes use of microscopic defects within the crystal structure of diamond — defects that can be induced, in a controlled way, in the lab. These defects, called nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, occur when nitrogen atoms are introduced into the crystal structure, each replacing one carbon atom in a perfectly spaced diamond lattice.

Such lattices may also include naturally occurring vacancies — imperfections where a carbon atom is missing from its normal place in the lattice. When a nitrogen atom and a vacancy come together, they form an NV center, which can be harnessed to detect the position and attributes — specifically, the spin states — of protons and electrons in atoms placed very close to them.

That’s done by shining laser light at the diamond surface, which causes the NV centers to fluoresce. By detecting and analyzing the emitted light, it is possible to reconstruct details of the spin of nearby particles.

The ability to use NV centers in diamond has developed in the last few years, Ajoy says, and many groups are now working to make use of them for applications in quantum computation and quantum communication. When the NV centers are very close to a diamond’s surface — within a few nanometers — they can also be used to sense the spin states of particles within a molecule placed on the surface. The individual atoms and their positions can then, in principle, be detected and mapped out, revealing the molecular structure.

Freedawn Scientia - Diamonds could help bring proteins into focus The spin of an NV center can be completely polarized optically. The transfer of this polarization from the NV center to nuclear spins in the protein molecule allows us to unravel couplings between spins in the molecule. Protein structure can be computed from information contained in these couplings.
Courtesy of the researchers

The idea is to “place a biological molecule on top of the diamond, and try to determine its structure,” Ajoy explains. With proteins, “the structure and function are closely related,” he says, so being able to map out that structure precisely could help in understanding both how some basic biological processes work, and how new drugs might be developed to interact with specific molecular targets.

“It could help in developing something that fits on or around [a target molecule], or blocks it,” Ajoy says. “The first step is to know the structure.”

Efforts to decode the molecular structure of proteins have mostly used X-ray crystallography, transmission electron microscopy, or nuclear magnetic resonance. But all of these methods require large sample volumes — for example, X-ray diffraction requires aggregating the molecules as crystals — so none of them can be used to study individual molecules. This greatly limits the applicability of such techniques.

“There are many molecules where this doesn’t work out, because you can’t grow the crystals, or they are very hard to grow,” Ajoy says. “For these molecules, our method might be useful because you don’t need the crystals, you just need a single molecule.”

What’s more, while other techniques require specialized conditions such as very low temperatures or a vacuum, the new technique “perhaps can determine structure at room temperature, under ambient conditions,” he says.

The work so far is theoretical; the next step, which the team has already begun, is to produce actual images based on this technique. “We started building this setup a year ago, and we have preliminary experiments,” Ajoy says. Actual images of molecules are probably still a few years away, he says.

This technique is a “very important breakthrough in the development of new techniques for biomolecular structure determination,” says Fedor Jelezko, a professor of quantum optics at the University of Ulm, in Germany, who was not involved in this research. “This is excellent work which will provide very high impact on many fields of science. I am sure that several groups around the world will attempt to realize experiments” based on the ideas in this paper.

In addition to Ajoy, Cappellaro, and Bissbort, the team included professor of physics Mikhail Lukin and senior lecturer Ronald Walsworth, both of Harvard University. The work was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

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David L. Chandler | MIT News Office

Diamonds could help bring proteins into focus

Engineered insulin could offer better diabetes control

Molecule stays in the bloodstream and is turned on when blood sugar levels are too high.

For patients with diabetes, insulin is critical to maintaining good health and normal blood-sugar levels. However, it’s not an ideal solution because it can be difficult for patients to determine exactly how much insulin they need to prevent their blood sugar from swinging too high or too low.

 Engineered insulin could offer better diabetes control Molecule stays in the bloodstream and is turned on when blood sugar levels are too high.

MIT engineers hope to improve treatment for diabetes patients with a new type of engineered insulin. In tests in mice, the researchers showed that their modified insulin can circulate in the bloodstream for at least 10 hours, and that it responds rapidly to changes in blood-sugar levels. This could eliminate the need for patients to repeatedly monitor their blood sugar levels and inject insulin throughout the day.

“The real challenge is getting the right amount of insulin available when you need it, because if you have too little insulin your blood sugar goes up, and if you have too much, it can go dangerously low,” says Daniel Anderson, the Samuel A. Goldblith Associate Professor in MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineering, and a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research and Institute for Medical Engineering and Science. “Currently available insulins act independent of the sugar levels in the patient.”

Anderson and Robert Langer, the David H. Koch Institute Professor at MIT, are the senior authors of a paper describing the engineered insulin in this week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The paper’s lead authors are Hung-Chieh (Danny) Chou, former postdoc Matthew Webber, and postdoc Benjamin Tang. Other authors are technical assistants Amy Lin and Lavanya Thapa, David Deng, Jonathan Truong, and Abel Cortinas.

Glucose-responsive insulin

Patients with Type I diabetes lack insulin, which is normally produced by the pancreas and regulates metabolism by stimulating muscle and fat tissue to absorb glucose from the bloodstream. Insulin injections, which form the backbone of treatment for diabetes patients, can be deployed in different ways. Some people take a modified form called long-acting insulin, which stays in the bloodstream for up to 24 hours, to ensure there is always some present when needed. Other patients calculate how much they should inject based on how many carbohydrates they consume or how much sugar is present in their blood.

The MIT team set out to create a new form of insulin that would not only circulate for a long time, but would be activated only when needed — that is, when blood-sugar levels are too high. This would prevent patients’ blood-sugar levels from becoming dangerously low, a condition known as hypoglycemia that can lead to shock and even death.

To create this glucose-responsive insulin, the researchers first added a hydrophobic molecule called an aliphatic domain, which is a long chain of fatty molecules dangling from the insulin molecule. This helps the insulin circulate in the bloodstream longer, although the researchers do not yet know exactly why that is. One theory is that the fatty tail may bind to albumin, a protein found in the bloodstream, sequestering the insulin and preventing it from latching onto sugar molecules.

The researchers also attached a chemical group called PBA, which can reversibly bind to glucose. When blood-glucose levels are high, the sugar binds to insulin and activates it, allowing the insulin to stimulate cells to absorb the excess sugar.

The research team created four variants of the engineered molecule, each of which contained a PBA molecule with a different chemical modification, such as an atom of fluorine and nitrogen. They then tested these variants, along with regular insulin and long-acting insulin, in mice engineered to have an insulin deficiency.

To compare each type of insulin, the researchers measured how the mice’s blood-sugar levels responded to surges of glucose every few hours for 10 hours. They found that the engineered insulin containing PBA with fluorine worked the best: Mice that received that form of insulin showed the fastest response to blood-glucose spikes.

“The modified insulin was able to give more appropriate control of blood sugar than the unmodified insulin or the long-acting insulin,” Anderson says.

The new molecule represents a significant conceptual advance that could help scientists realize the decades-old goal of better controlling diabetes with a glucose-responsive insulin, says Michael Weiss, a professor of biochemistry and medicine at Case Western Reserve University.

“It would be a breathtaking advance in diabetes treatment if the Anderson/Langer technology could accomplish the translation of this idea into a routine treatment of diabetes,” says Weiss, who was not part of the research team.

New alternative

Giving this type of insulin once a day instead of long-acting insulin could offer patients a better alternative that reduces their blood-sugar swings, which can cause health problems when they continue for years and decades, Anderson says. The researchers now plan to test this type of insulin in other animal models and are also working on tweaking the chemical composition of the insulin to make it even more responsive to blood-glucose levels.

“We’re continuing to think about how we might further tune this to give improved performance so it’s even safer and more efficacious,” Anderson says.

The research was funded by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, the Tayebati Family Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

– Credit and Resource –

Anne Trafton | MIT News Office

Engineered insulin could offer better diabetes control

In the Life of a Sea Pig

I was recently told and shown a picture of an amazing little sea creature, the humble Sea Pig. I had never heard or seen a sea pig before so I thought I would do a little research for you all :)

Freedawn Scientia - Sea Pig, Sea creature Scotoplanes deep-sea holothurian echinoderm

The Sea Pig is known as Scotoplanes and is is a genus of deep-sea holothurian echinoderm of the family Elpidiidae, order Elasipodida. Scotoplanes live on deep ocean bottoms, specifically on the abyssal plain in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean, typically at depths of over 1000 meters. Some related species can be found in the Antarctic. Scotoplanes (and all deep-sea holothurians) are deposit feeders, and obtain food by extracting organic particles from deep-sea mud. Scotoplanes globosa has been observed to demonstrate strong preferences for rich, organic food that has freshly fallen from the ocean’s surface, and uses olfaction to locate preferred food sources such as whale corpses.

Scotoplanes, like many sea cucumbers, often occur in huge densities, sometimes numbering in the hundreds when observed. Early collections have recorded 300 to 600 individual specimens per trawl. Sea pigs are also known to host different parasitic invertebrates, including gastropods (snails) and small tanaid crustaceans.

Members of the Elpidiidae have particularly enlarged tube feet that have taken on a leg-like appearance, and are the only instance of legged locomotion amongst the holothurians, using water cavities within the skin (rather than within the leg itself) to inflate and deflate the appendages. These legs, in conjunction with their large, plump appearance (about 6 inches/15 cm long) have suggested the common name “sea pig”. There are other genera of Elpidiidae with a similar appearance that have also been referred to as “sea pigs”.

Freedawn Scientia - Scotoplanes, Sea Pig, Sea creature Scotoplanes deep-sea holothurian echinoderm

Sea Pig Taxonomy and Scientific Specification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Echinodermata
Class: Holothuroidea
Order: Elasipodida
Family: Elpidiidae
Genus: Scotoplanes


> Scotoplanes clarki

> Scotoplanes globosa

> Scotoplanes hanseni

> Scotoplanes kurilensis

> Scotoplanes theeli


Scotoplanes are known to form large groups. There have been reports of groups comprised of more than 1.000 individuals while early trawling records indicate an average of 300-600 caught specimens per trawl. It is believed that sea pigs are not actually social animals. They simply gather where food resources are abundant.


Sea pigs are deposit feeders that obtain their food by extracting organic particles from deep-sea mud. They have a high preference for rich and organic sources that have recently fallen from the ocean’s surface (e.g. a dead whale). They mainly use their sense of smell to detect their food. This is why they are commonly found facing towards the prevailing currents.

They use the ring of tentacles that surrounds the mouth to feed and absorb nutrients.

Sea Pig Facts

1. “Sea Pig” is a pretty accurate description. Sea pigs earned their moniker from their puffy legs and plump, oval-shaped pinkish bodies.

2. They fit in the palm of your hand. Sea pigs tend to be about 4-6 inches long.

3. Sea pigs live in the deepest part of the ocean. Sea pigs are found in the deepest abyssal depths of the world’s oceans, as far as 3.7 miles under the ocean surface.

4. Scientists have known about sea pigs for more than 100 years. They were first described by Swedish zoologist Hjalmar Théel in 1882. Théel described about 65 new species discovered by the British research ship HMS Challenger during her round-the-world expedition of 1872-1876.

5. They get around by walking on the seafloor. Sea pigs have five to seven pairs of enlarged tube feet. These “walking legs” are hydraulically operated appendages that can be inflated and deflated to move around.

6. Those aren’t antennae — they’re also feet. Although they look like antennae, the structures on the top of the sea pig’s head are actually feet. These upper papillae are modified tube feet, like the animal’s “walking legs.” They may help propel the sea pig along the ocean, or they may have a sensory function, helping it detect the chemical trail of a tasty meal.

7. Sea pigs scour mud for delicious scum. Sea pigs are deposit or detrital feeders, eating bits of decaying plant and animal material found in deep sea mud. Their mouths are surrounded by a ring of feeding tentacles that they use to sift through the mud and grab onto food. Sea pigs are especially fond of food that has recently fallen from the ocean’s surface, like a whale corpse.

8. They can sometimes be found in large gatherings. Sea pigs often occur in aggregations of many hundreds of individuals. It’s not because they enjoy each other’s company. It’s believed sea pigs tend to gather where food resources are abundant. Thus, many hundreds of sea pigs will be attracted to a dead whale carcass on the seafloor and gather at the spot to feast.

9. In these large gatherings, sea pigs will often all face in the same direction. It might look eerie — hundreds of sea pigs coating the seafloor, all orienting in the same direction. But there’s a good reason for it. Sea pigs usually face into the prevailing current, presumably so they can detect decaying goo and find the best feeding sites, according to the Echinoblog.

10. Sea pigs host several weird parasites. Sea pig parasites include small snails and crustaceans that bore holes in their host’s bodies and feed on them internally. Check out Echinoblog for photos.

Sea Pig Videos

True Facts about Sea Pigs

Sea Pig – Cthulu Larva

March of the Sea Pigs

Sea Pig Pictures

– Credit and Resource –


Hansen, B. (1972). “Photographic evidence of a unique type of walking in deep-sea holothurians”. Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts 19 (6): 461–462. doi:10.1016/0011-7471(72)90056-3.

Miller, R. J.; Smith, C. R.; Demaster, D. J.; Fornes, W. L. (2000). “Feeding selectivity and rapid particle processing by deep-sea megafaunal deposit feeders: A 234Th tracer approach”. Journal of Marine Research 58 (4): 653. doi:10.1357/002224000321511061.

“Scotoplanes globosa (Sea Pig).” Encyclopedia of Life. Accessed June 9, 2014 at


In the Life of a Sea Pig

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Breakthrough technologies could pave the way for cheaper, faster small-satellite launches

Through its Airborne Launch Assist Space Access (ALASA) program, DARPA has been developing new concepts and architectures to get small satellites into orbit more economically on short notice. Bradford Tousley, director of DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office, provided an update on ALASA today at the 18th Annual Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s Commercial Space Transportation Conference in Washington, D.C. Tousley discussed several key accomplishments of the program to date, including successful completion of Phase 1 design, selection of the Boeing Company as prime contractor for Phase 2 of the program, which includes conducting 12 orbital test launches of an integrated prototype system.

Freedawn Scientia - Breakthrough technologies could pave the way for cheaper, faster small-satellite launches DARPA’s Airborne Launch Assist Space Access program (ALASA) seeks to propel 100-pound satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO) within 24 hours of call-up, all for less than $1 million per launch. The program is moving ahead with rigorous testing of new technologies that one day could enable revolutionary satellite launch systems that provide more affordable, routine and reliable access to space.

“We’ve made good progress so far toward ALASA’s ambitious goal of propelling 100-pound satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO) within 24 hours of call-up, all for less than $1 million per launch,” Tousley said. “We’re moving ahead with rigorous testing of new technologies that we hope one day could enable revolutionary satellite launch systems that provide more affordable, routine and reliable access to space.”

Launches of satellites for the Department of Defense (DoD) or other government agencies require scheduling years in advance for the few available slots at the nation’s limited number of launch locations. This slow, expensive process is causing a bottleneck in placing essential space assets in orbit. The current ALASA design envisions launching a low-cost, expendable launch vehicle from conventional aircraft. Serving as a reusable first stage, the plane would fly to high altitude and release the launch vehicle, which would carry the payload to the desired location.

“ALASA seeks to overcome the limitations of current launch systems by streamlining design and manufacturing and leveraging the flexibility and re-usability of an air-launched system,” said Mitchell Burnside Clapp, DARPA program manager for ALASA. “We envision an alternative to ride-sharing for satellites that enables satellite owners to launch payloads from any location into orbits of their choosing, on schedules of their choosing, on a launch vehicle designed specifically for small payloads.”

ALASA had a successful Phase 1, which resulted in three viable system designs. In March 2014, DARPA awarded Boeing the prime contract for Phase 2 of ALASA.

Because reducing cost per flight to $1 million presents such a challenge, DARPA is attacking the cost equation on multiple fronts. The Phase 2 design incorporates commercial-grade avionics and advanced composite structures. Perhaps the most daring technology ALASA seeks to implement is a new high-energy monopropellant, which aims to combine fuel and oxidizer into a single liquid. If successful, the monopropellant would enable simpler designs and reduced manufacturing and operation costs compared to traditional designs that use two liquids, such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.

ALASA also aims to reduce infrastructure costs by using runways instead of fixed vertical launch sites, automating operations and avoiding unnecessary services. Phase 1 of the program advanced toward that goal by making progress on three breakthrough enabling technologies:

> Mission-planning software that would streamline current processes for satellite launches

> Space-based telemetry that would use existing satellites instead of ground-based facilities to monitor the ALASA vehicle

> Automatic flight-termination systems that would assess real-time conditions during flight and end it if necessary

DARPA plans to continue developing these capabilities in Phase 2 and, once they’re sufficiently mature, intends to eventually transition them to government and/or commercial partners for wider use in the space community.

Pending successful testing of the new monopropellant, the program plan includes 12 orbital launches to test the integrated ALASA prototype system. Currently, DARPA plans to conduct the first ALASA flight demonstration test in late 2015 and the first orbital launch test in the first half of 2016. Depending on test results, the program would conduct up to 11 further demonstration launches through summer 2016.

If successful, ALASA would provide convenient, cost-effective launch capabilities for the growing government and commercial markets for small satellites. “Small satellites in the ALASA payload class represent the fastest-growing segment of the space launch market, and DARPA expects this growth trend to continue as small satellites become increasingly more capable,” Burnside Clapp said. “The small-satellite community is excited about having dedicated launch opportunities, and there should be no difficulty finding useful payloads.”

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Provided by: DARPA

Breakthrough technologies could pave the way for cheaper, faster small-satellite launches

Friday, 6 February 2015

Closer view of Ceres shows multiple white spots

NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has acquired its latest and closest-yet snapshot of the mysterious dwarf planet world Ceres. These latest images, taken on Feb. 4, from a distance of about 90,000 miles (145,000 km) clearly show craters – including a couple with central peaks – and a clearer though still ambiguous view of that wild white spot that has so many of us scratching our heads as to its nature.

Get ready to scratch some more. The mystery spot has plenty of company.

Take a look at some still images I grabbed from the video which NASA made available today. In several of the photos, the white spot clearly looks like a depression, possibly an impact site. In others, it appears more like a rise or mountaintop. But perhaps the most amazing thing is that there appear to be not one but many white dabs and splashes on Ceres’ 590-mile-wide globe.

Freedawn Scientia - Closer view of Ceres shows multiple white spots, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has acquired its latest and closest-yet Here the spot appears more like a depression. Frost? Ice? Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

Freedawn Scientia - Closer view of Ceres shows multiple white spots, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has acquired its latest and closest-yet Here the white spot is at the asteroid’s left limb. You can also see lots of additional smaller spots that remind me of rayed lunar craters. Of course, they may be something else entirely. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

Freedawn Scientia - Closer view of Ceres shows multiple white spots, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has acquired its latest and closest-yet Look down along the lower limb to spot a crater with a cool central peak. Note also how many white spots are now visible on Ceres. The mystery spot is a little right of center in this view. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

Freedawn Scientia - Closer view of Ceres shows multiple white spots, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has acquired its latest and closest-yet Our mystery white spot is further right of center. Is it a rise or a hole?Are the streaks rays for fresh material from an impact the way the lunar crater Tycho appears from Earth? Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

Freedawn Scientia - Closer view of Ceres shows multiple white spots, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has acquired its latest and closest-yet Yet another view of the mystery spot. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

Now let’s take a look at an additional NASA animation of Ceres made using processed images. As the spot first rounds the limb it looks like a depression. But just before it disappears around the backside a pointed peak seems to appear. Intriguing, isn’t it?

Freedawn Scientia - Closer view of Ceres shows multiple white spots, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has acquired its latest and closest-yet Animation made from images taken by Dawn on Feb. 4. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

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Provided by: Universe Today

Closer view of Ceres shows multiple white spots

Revealing the workings of a master switch for plant growth

Brassinosteroids, a class of plant steroid hormones, play an important role in promoting plant growth as well as a host of development processes including cell elongation and division, development of the xylem, which is used for water and nutrient transport, and adaptation to differing light conditions. However, as brassinosteroids are very expensive to produce, they cannot be used directly for agriculture and plant biomass production.

Though the importance of brassinosteroids is understood, the precise mechanisms through which they perform their functions in plants have remained unclear. Thus, one important avenue of plant research, according to Takeshi Nakano of the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS), who led the study, “has been to identify brassinosteroid signaling genes, and then use plant engineering to apply these genes to genetically modified plants in order to increase plant growth by up-regulation of these mechanisms, leading eventually to higher productivity for crop production as well as biomass production. This could provide ways to decrease CO2 by fixing it in plant body materials.”

With the tools of chemical biology—a field which involves applying chemical techniques to the study of biological system—using mutant plants and Brz, a brassinosteroid biosynthesis inhibitor, the group focused on the mechanism of BIL1, a master switch that regulates some 3,000 genes, making up fully 10% of the 30,000 genes of the model plant Arabidopsis. Through chemical biology they discovered a protein called BSS1, which interacts with BIL1 to negatively regulate brassinosteroid signaling. BIL1 was known to be imported into the nucleus of the cell by brassinosteroid stimulation, but the molecular mechanism was not understood.

As they examined the movement of BSS1 in brassinosteroid-deficient cells, the scientists were surprised to discover that the creation of a complex of large proteins suppressed plant stem elongation. They were able to determine the detailed mechanism through which BIL1 is captured by the formation of this protein complex with BSS1, and discovered, unexpectedly, that the breakdown of this complex by brassinosteroids seems to allow BIL1 to move into the nucleus. Thus, it appears that the interplay between BSS1 and brassinosteroids leads to the formation of the complex, resulting in shortened plant height, while conversely the breakdown of the complex leads to stem elongation and greater height.

According to Nakano, “This is very significant for plant scientists as such a phenomenon is a rare system whereby the mechanism of bioactive chemicals can regulate protein dynamics through the process of protein complex formation or dissociation, and finally regulate plant development. Based on these findings, we hope to be able to develop technologies to allow us to freely control the plant height of plant biomass and useful crops, and contribute to reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.”

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Provided by RIKEN

Revealing the workings of a master switch for plant growth

Researchers find bubonic plague fragments on NY subway

It is universally acknowledged that the New York subway is grubby. What may come as a shock is that it contains DNA fragments linked to anthrax and bubonic plague.

Researchers from Cornell University have provided the first map of the subway’s microbes, identifying more than 1,688 types of bacteria and one station that even supports a “marine ecosystem.”

They say the vast majority of the bacteria is harmless to the 1.7 billion people who travel each year on 600 miles (960 kilometers) of track in passenger service in America’s largest city.

But disease-causing bacteria that are resistant to drugs were found in 27 percent of samples.

Two were found with DNA fragments of anthrax and three with a plasmid associated with bubonic plague, albeit at very low levels.

Yet there has not been a single reported case of the plague in New York since the PathoMap project began in June 2013.

The study’s senior investigator, Christopher Mason, says the research shows the resilience of the human body and that the bacteria is not enough to pose a threat to our health.

“The presence of these microbes and the lack of reported medical cases is truly a testament to our body’s immune system, and our innate ability to continuously adapt to our environment,” he said.

Perhaps most striking is that 48 percent of the samples matched no known organism, which the study said highlighted “the vast wealth of unknown species that are ubiquitous in urban areas.”

In October 2012, Hurricane Sandy caused havoc across the city and submerged South Ferry Station in Lower Manhattan in ocean water.

Two years later, the majority of bacteria at the station are “more commonly associated with fish species, marine environments or very cold Antarctic environments,” the study found.

It also found that Penn Station, one of New York’s busiest transit hubs, has a vast bacterial ecology that shifts by the hour.

New York has the seventh largest subway in the world in terms of annual ridership, behind Tokyo, Beijing, Moscow and other cities in the Far East, but ahead of Mexico City, Hong Kong and Paris.

Human DNA was only the fourth most abundant species, behind two insects, the Mediterranean fruit fly and the mountain pine beetle.

The researchers say they collected 1,457 DNA samples from all 466 open stations on all 24 lines.

Researchers find bubonic plague fragments on NY subway

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Planck Mission Explores the History of Our Universe

Hot gas, dust and magnetic fields mingle in a colorful swirl in this new map of our Milky Way galaxy. The image is part of a new and improved data set from Planck, a European Space Agency mission in which NASA played a key role.

Freedawn Scientia - Planck Mission Explores the History of Our Universe A festive portrait of our Milky Way galaxy shows a mishmash of gas, charged particles and several types of dust.
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Planck spent more than four years observing relic radiation left over from the birth of our universe, called the cosmic microwave background. The space telescope is helping scientists better understand the history and fabric of our universe, as well as our own Milky Way.

“Planck can see the old light from our universe’s birth, gas and dust in our own galaxy, and pretty much everything in between, either directly or by its effect on the old light,” said Charles Lawrence, the U.S. project scientist for the mission at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Freedawn Scientia - Planck Mission Explores the History of Our Universe A new, dynamic portrait of our Milky Way galaxy shows a frenzy of gas, charged particles and dust.
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The new data are available publicly Feb. 5, and now include observations made during the entire mission. The Planck team says these data are refining what we know about our universe, making more precise measurements of matter, including dark matter, and how it is clumped together. Other key properties of our universe are also measured with greater precision, putting theories of the cosmos to ever more stringent tests.

One cosmic property appears to have changed with this new batch of data: the length of time in which our universe remained in darkness during its infant stages. A preliminary analysis of the Planck data suggests that this epoch, a period known as the Dark Ages that took place before the first stars and other objects ignited, lasted more than 100 million years or so longer than thought. Specifically, the Dark Ages ended 550 million years after the Big Bang that created our universe, later than previous estimates by other telescopes of 300 to 400 million years. Research is ongoing to confirm this finding.

The Planck data also support the idea that the mysterious force known as dark energy is acting against gravity to push our universe apart at ever-increasing speeds. Some scientists have proposed that dark energy doesn’t exist. Instead, they say that what we know about gravity, as outlined by Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, needs refining. In those theories, gravity becomes repulsive across great distances, eliminating the need for dark energy.

Freedawn Scientia - Planck Mission Explores the History of Our Universe Matter lying between Earth and the edge of the observable universe is shown in this all-sky map from Planck, a European Space Agency mission with important NASA contributions.
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“So far Einstein is looking pretty good,” said Martin White, a U.S. Planck team member from University of California, Berkeley. “The dark energy hypothesis is holding up very well, but this is not the end of the story.”

What’s more, the new Planck catalog of images now has more than 1,500 clusters of galaxies observed throughout the universe, the largest catalog of this type ever made. It is archived at the European Space Agency and, in the U.S., at NASA’s Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. These galaxy clusters act as beacons at the crossroads of huge filamentary structures in a cosmic web. They help scientists trace our recent cosmic evolution.

A new analysis by the Planck team of more than 400 of these galaxy clusters gives us a new look at their masses, which range between 100 to 1,000 times that of our Milky Way galaxy. In one of the first-of-its-kind efforts, the Planck team obtained the cluster masses by observing how the clusters bend background microwave light. The results narrow in on the overall mass of hundreds of clusters, a huge step forward in better understanding dark matter and dark energy.

How can so much information about our universe, in both its past and current states, be gleaned from the Planck data? Planck, like its predecessor missions, captured ancient light that has traveled billions of years to reach us. This light, the cosmic microwave background, originated 370,000 years after the Big Bang, during a time when the flame of our universe cooled enough that light was no longer impeded by charged particles and could travel freely.

Freedawn Scientia - Planck Mission Explores the History of Our Universe, Freedawn Scientia - Planck Mission Explores the History of Our Universe , observable universe, CMB, Cosmic Microwave Background, Planck, Our Milky Way galaxy is ablaze with dust in this new all-sky map from Planck, a European Space Agency mission with important NASA contributions.
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Planck’s splotchy maps of this light show where matter had just begun to clump together into the seeds of the galaxies we see around us today. By analyzing the patterns of clumps, scientists can learn how conditions even earlier in the universe, just moments after its birth, set the clumping process in motion. What’s more, the scientists can study how the ancient light has changed during its long journey to reach us, learning about the entire history of the cosmos.

“The cosmic microwave background light is a traveler from far away and long ago,” said Lawrence. “When it arrives, it tells us about the whole history of our universe.”

A big challenge for Planck scientists is sifting through all the long-wavelength light in our universe to pick out the signature from just the ancient cosmic microwave background. Much of our galaxy gives off light of the same wavelength, blocking our view of the relic radiation. But what might be one scientist’s trash is another’s treasure, as illustrated in the new map of the Milky Way released today. Light generated from within our galaxy, the same light subtracted from the ancient signal, comes to life gloriously in the new image. Gas, dust and magnetic field lines make up a frenzy of activity that shapes how stars form.

More papers analyzing the data are expected to come out next year.

James Bartlett, a U.S. Planck team member from JPL, said, “The kind of questions we ask now we never would have thought possible to even ask decades ago, long before Planck.”

Planck launched in 2009 and completed its mission 4.5 years later in 2013. NASA’s Planck Project Office is based at JPL. JPL contributed mission-enabling technology for both of Planck’s science instruments. European, Canadian and U.S. Planck scientists work together to analyze the Planck data.

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Planck Mission Explores the History of Our Universe