Saturday, 29 November 2014

New device could make large biological circuits practical

Innovation from MIT could allow many biological components to be connected to produce predictable effects.

Researchers have made great progress in recent years in the design and creation of biological circuits — systems that, like electronic circuits, can take a number of different inputs and deliver a particular kind of output. But while individual components of such biological circuits can have precise and predictable responses, those outcomes become less predictable as more such elements are combined.

Freedawn Scientia - MI New device could make large biological circuits practical Innovation from MIT could allow many biological components to be connected to produce predictable effects. T-Biological-Circuit-01_1 Left to right: Ron Weiss, professor of biological engineering; Domitilla Del Vecchio, associate professor of mechanical engineering; and Deepak Mishra, MIT graduate student in biological engineering.
Photo: Brian Teague

A team of researchers at MIT has now come up with a way of greatly reducing that unpredictability, introducing a device that could ultimately allow such circuits to behave nearly as predictably as their electronic counterparts. The findings are published this week in the journal Nature Biotechnology, in a paper by associate professor of mechanical engineering Domitilla Del Vecchio and professor of biological engineering Ron Weiss.

The lead author of the paper is Deepak Mishra, an MIT graduate student in biological engineering. Other authors include recent master’s students Phillip Rivera in mechanical engineering and Allen Lin in electrical engineering and computer science.

There are many potential uses for such synthetic biological circuits, Del Vecchio and Weiss explain. “One specific one we’re working on is biosensing — cells that can detect specific molecules in the environment and produce a specific output in response,” Del Vecchio says. One example: cells that could detect markers that indicate the presence of cancer cells, and then trigger the release of molecules targeted to kill those cells.

It is important for such circuits to be able to discriminate accurately between cancerous and noncancerous cells, so they don’t unleash their killing power in the wrong places, Weiss says. To do that, robust information-processing circuits created from biological elements within a cell become “highly critical,” Weiss says.

To date, that kind of robust predictability has not been feasible, in part because of feedback effects when multiple stages of biological circuitry are introduced. The problem arises because unlike in electronic circuits, where one component is physically connected to the next by wires that ensure information is always flowing in a particular direction, biological circuits are made up of components that are all floating around together in the complex fluid environment of a cell’s interior.

Freedawn Scientia - MI New device could make large biological circuits practical Innovation from MIT could allow many biological components to be connected to produce predictable effects. T-Biological-Circuit-01_1

Information flow is driven by the chemical interactions of the individual components, which ideally should affect only other specific components. But in practice, attempts to create such biological linkages have often produced results that differed from expectations.

“If you put the circuit together and you expect answer ‘X,’ and instead you get answer ‘Y,’ that could be highly problematical,” Del Vecchio says.

The device the team produced to address that problem is called a load driver, and its effect is similar to that of load drivers used in electronic circuits: It provides a kind of buffer between the signal and the output, preventing the effects of the signaling from backing up through the system and causing delays in outputs.

While this is relatively early-stage research that could take years to reach commercial application, the concept could have a wide variety of applications, the researchers say. For example, it could lead to synthetic biological circuits that constantly measure glucose levels in the blood of diabetic patients, automatically triggering the release of insulin when it is needed.

The addition of this load driver to the arsenal of components available to those designing biological circuits, Del Vecchio says, “could escalate the complexity of circuits you could design,” opening up new possible applications while ensuring that their operation is “robust and predictable.”

James Collins, a professor of biomedical engineering at Boston University who was not associated with this research, says, “Efforts in synthetic biology to create complex gene circuits are often hindered by unanticipated or uncharacterized interactions between submodules of the circuits. These interactions alter the input-output characteristics of the submodules, leading to undesirable circuit behavior.”

But now, Collins says, “Del Vecchio and Weiss have made a major advance for the field by creating a genetic device that can account for and correct for such interactions, leading to more predictable circuit behavior.”

The research was supported by an Eni-MIT Energy Research Fellowship, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Army Research Office, the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the National Institutes of Health.

This follows on from – MIT team builds most complex synthetic biology circuit yet

New sensor can detect four different molecules, could be used to program cells to precisely monitor their environments.

Anne Trafton, MIT News Office

October 7, 2012

Freedawn Scientia - MIT team builds most complex synthetic biology circuit yet New sensor can detect four different molecules, could be used to program cells to precisely monitor their environments. MIT biological engineers created new genetic circuits using genes found in Salmonella (seen here) and other bacteria.

Using genes as interchangeable parts, synthetic biologists design cellular circuits that can perform new functions, such as sensing environmental conditions. However, the complexity that can be achieved in such circuits has been limited by a critical bottleneck: the difficulty in assembling genetic components that don’t interfere with each other.

Unlike electronic circuits on a silicon chip, biological circuits inside a cell cannot be physically isolated from one another. “The cell is sort of a burrito. It has everything mixed together,” says Christopher Voigt, an associate professor of biological engineering at MIT.

Because all the cellular machinery for reading genes and synthesizing proteins is jumbled together, researchers have to be careful that proteins that control one part of their synthetic circuit don’t hinder other parts of the circuit.

Voigt and his students have now developed circuit components that don’t interfere with one another, allowing them to produce the most complex synthetic circuit ever built. The circuit, described in the Oct. 7 issue of Nature, integrates four sensors for different molecules. Such circuits could be used in cells to precisely monitor their environments and respond appropriately.

“It’s incredibly complex, stitching together all these pieces,” says Voigt, who is co-director of the Synthetic Biology Center at MIT. Larger circuits would require computer programs that Voigt and his students are now developing, which should allow them to combine hundreds of circuits in new and useful ways.

Lead author of the paper is former MIT postdoc Tae Seok Moon, now an assistant professor of energy, environmental and chemical engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. Other authors are MIT postdocs Chunbo Lou and Brynne Stanton, and Alvin Tamsir, a graduate student at the University of California at San Francisco.

Expanding the possibilities

Previously, Voigt has designed bacteria that can respond to light and capture photographic images, and others that can detect low oxygen levels and high cell density — both conditions often found in tumors. However, no matter the end result, most of his projects, and those of other synthetic biologists, use a small handful of known genetic parts. “We were just repackaging the same circuits over and over again,” Voigt says.

To expand the number of possible circuits, the researchers needed components that would not interfere with each other. They started out by studying the bacterium that causes salmonella, which has a cellular pathway that controls the injection of proteins into human cells. “It’s a very tightly regulated circuit, which is what makes it a good synthetic circuit,” Voigt says.

The pathway consists of three components: an activator, a promoter and a chaperone. A promoter is a region of DNA where proteins bind to initiate transcription of a gene. An activator is one such protein. Some activators also require a chaperone protein before they can bind to DNA to initiate transcription.

The researchers found 60 different versions of this pathway in other species of bacteria, and found that most of the proteins involved in each were different enough that they did not interfere with one another. However, there was a small amount of crosstalk between a few of the circuit components, so the researchers used an approach called directed evolution to reduce it. Directed evolution is a trial-and-error process that involves mutating a gene to create thousands of similar variants, then testing them for the desired trait. The best candidates are mutated and screened again, until the optimal gene is created.

Aindrila Mukhopadhyay, a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, says the amount of troubleshooting the researchers did to create each functional module is impressive. “A lot of people are charmed by the idea of creating complex genetic circuits. This study provides valuable examples of the types of optimizations that they may have to do in order to accomplish such goals,” says Mukhopadhyay, who was not part of the research team.

Layered circuits

To design synthetic circuits so they can be layered together, their inputs and outputs must mesh. With an electrical circuit, the inputs and outputs are always electricity. With these biological circuits, the inputs and outputs are proteins that control the next circuit (either activators or chaperones).

These components could be useful for creating circuits that can sense a variety of environmental conditions. “If a cell needs to find the right microenvironment — glucose, pH, temperature and osmolarity [solute concentration] — individually they’re not very specific, but getting all four of those things really narrows it down,” Voigt says.

The researchers are now applying this work to create a sensor that will allow yeast in an industrial fermenter to monitor their own environment and adjust their output accordingly.

The research was funded by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the National Institutes of Health, Life Technologies, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation.

– Credit and Resources –

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office (Biological circuit)

Anne Trafton | MIT News Office (MIT Team Builds Bio Circuit)

New device could make large biological circuits practical

Friday, 28 November 2014

High-fidelity photon-to-atom quantum state transfer could form backbone of quantum networks

In a quantum network, information is stored, processed, and transmitted from one device to another in the form of quantum states. The quantum nature of the network gives it certain advantages over classical networks, such as greater security.

Freedawn Scientia - High-fidelity photon-to-atom quantum state transfer could form backbone of quantum networks Experimental setup of the high-fidelity photon-to-atom quantum state transfer. The ion is trapped between the two gray HALOs (high-numerical aperture laser objective). The 729-nm laser (pink beam) is used to prepare the ion in a superposition state. The ion absorbs photons from the 854-nm laser (red beam), and the photon polarizations are mapped onto the ion, transferring the quantum state from photon to ion. Upon absorption of the photon, the ion releases a 393-nm photon, which travels along a fiber and is detected by a photomultiplier tube, heralding a successful transfer. Credit: Kurz, et al. ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited

One promising method for implementing a quantum network involves using both atoms and photons for their unique advantages. While atoms are useful as nodes (in the form of quantum memories and processors) due to their long storage times, photons are useful as links (on optical fibers) because they’re better at carrying quantum information over large distances.

However, using both atoms and photons requires that quantum states be converted between single atoms and single photons. This in turn requires a high degree of control over the emission and absorption processes in which single atoms act as senders and receivers of single photons. Because it’s difficult to achieve complete overlap between the atomic and photonic modes, photon-to-atom state transfer usually suffers from low fidelities of below 10%. This means that more than 90% of the time the state transfer is unsuccessful.

In a new paper published in Nature Communications, a team of researchers led by Jürgen Eschner, Professor at Saarland University in Saarbrucken, Germany, has experimentally demonstrated photon-to-atom quantum state transfer with a fidelity of more than 95%. This drastic improvement marks an important step toward realizing future large-scale quantum networks.

The researchers’ protocol consists of transferring the polarization state of a laser photon onto the ground state of a trapped calcium ion. To do this, the researchers prepared the calcium ion in a quantum superposition state, in which it simultaneously occupies two atomic levels. When the ion absorbs a photon emitted by a laser at an 854-nm wavelength, the photon’s polarization state gets mapped onto the ion. Upon absorbing the photon, the ion returns to its ground state and emits a single photon at a 393-nm wavelength. Detection of this 393-nm photon signifies a successful photon-to-atom quantum state transfer.

Freedawn Scientia - High-fidelity photon-to-atom quantum state transfer could form backbone of quantum networks The ion moves between different atomic levels and sublevels during the quantum state transfer. (a) During preparation, the ion is optically pumped to a superposition of the S1/2 and D5/2 states. (b) During storage, the ion absorbs an 854-nm photon. The photon’s polarization state is transferred to the ion by projecting the ion into a superposition state that corresponds to the photon’s polarization. The ion also emits a 393-nm photon. (c) During read-out, the ion’s atomic sublevels are detected. Credit: Kurz, et al. ©2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited

The researchers showed that this method achieves very high fidelities of 95-97% using a variety of atomic states and both linear and circular polarizations. The method also has a relatively high efficiency of 0.438%. The researchers explain that the large fidelity improvement is due in large part to the last step involving the detection of the 393-nm photon.

“We made the achievable state-transfer fidelity independent from the transfer success probability,” coauthor Christoph Kurz at Saarland University told “Using protocols from other research groups with no heralding signal, the achievable fidelity can never exceed the success probability (which is typically less than 10%). Since we have such a signal (the detection of a single 393-nm photon), we can discriminate between successful and unsuccessful events and hence continue with quantum information processing every time the transfer was successful.”

In the future, the researchers plan to extend the scheme to a pair of entangled photons to achieve photon-to-atom entanglement transfer. In this scenario, two ions located in remote traps would each absorb one of the entangled photons, which originate from a spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) source. The detection of two 393-nm photons in separate locations would herald the entanglement of the two spatially separated ions. With further research, this kind of ion entanglement can lead to the development of new applications.

“In the future, we plan to combine quantum networks with local quantum information processing,” Kurz said. “For this, establishing entanglement between remotely trapped ions is an essential building block.”

Read more at:

High-fidelity photon-to-atom quantum state transfer could form backbone of quantum networks

Study shows graphene able to withstand a speeding bullet

Freedawn Scientia - Rice University scientists fired microbullets at supersonic speeds in experiments that show graphene is 10 times better than steel at absorbing the energy of a penetrating projectile. Credit: Jae-Hwang Lee Rice University scientists fired microbullets at supersonic speeds in experiments that show graphene is 10 times better than steel at absorbing the energy of a penetrating projectile. Credit: Jae-Hwang Lee

A team of researchers working at Rice University in the U.S. has demonstrated that graphene is better able to withstand the impact of a bullet than either steel or Kevlar. In their paper published in the journal Science, the team describes how they set up a miniature firing range in their laboratory and used it to test the strength of graphene sheets.

Scientists know that graphene sheets are tough, due to their dense one atom think structure. Until now, however, no one has tested the material for use as armor—to protect against being struck by a speeding bullet. In this new effort, the researchers did just that, albeit at a much smaller scale.

Scientists have yet to figure out a way to mass produce sheets of graphene in large sizes, thus, for this experiment, the researchers confined their efforts to a very small scale. Their firing range consisted of using a laser to vaporize gold filaments to serve as the gunpowder. The explosion pushed micron-sized glass bullets at graphene targets—10 to 100 sheets placed together to form a mat—at speeds up to 6,700 mph (approximately a third of the speed of a real bullet). Electron microscopy was used to measure how well the graphene sheets absorbed the impact.

The researchers found that the sheets were able to dissipate the energy of the bullet by stretching backwards—sort of like when someone jumps on a trampoline. Tiny cracks also formed radially, using up more of the energy. In analyzing the results, the researchers found that the graphene was able to perform twice as well as Kevlar, the material currently used in bullet-proof vests, and up to ten times as well as steel. Put another way, the graphene was able to absorb aproximately 0.92MJ/kg of projectile energy, while steel can typically absorb 0.08MJ/kg when both are being tested at similar speeds.

The ability of graphene to dissipate energy, the team explains, is due to a high degree of stiffness combined with low density, which means that energy can move through it very quickly, allowing for the dissipation of energy from something traveling as fast as a bullet.

The researchers efforts show that graphene could very well mean a better bullet-proof vest, if a way could be found to produce it in enough quantity and at a low enough price.

Study shows graphene able to withstand a speeding bullet A microbullet traveling at supersonic speed is captured in this composite of three timed images as it makes its way toward a suspended sheet of multilayer graphene. Experiments carried out at Rice University show graphene is 10 times better than steel at absorbing the energy of a penetrating projectile. The bubble at left is a polymer film expanding away from the gold substrate that transfers energy from a laser to the microbullet. Credit: Thomas Research Group/Rice University

Study shows graphene able to withstand a speeding bullet Materials scientist Edwin “Ned” Thomas, left, dean of the George R. Brown School of Engineering at Rice University, and Jae-Hwang Lee, a former postdoctoral researcher in his lab and now an assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, found graphene is stronger than steel in tests with microbullets. The researchers hold a polymer encasing bullets, the focus of a previous experiment. Credit: Tommy LaVergne/Rice University

Study shows graphene able to withstand a speeding bullet

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Watch A Neurosurgeon Perform A Subdural Hematoma Operation


An 83-year-old woman developed an acute subdural hematoma—when blood accumulates between the brain and its outer covering (the dura)—from a potentially fatal fall. To save her life, Dr. Carlos A. Rodríguez-Alvarez surgically removed part of the bone from her skull to get access to her brain in what is known as a craniotomy. Once that was done, he performed a subdural evacuation by removing the blood clot with irrigation.

Contraceptive Pill Associated With Changes In Brain Structure

Since its advent 50 years ago, the pill has helped revolutionize contraception and transform women’s lives. The pill is so popular today that over 100 million women worldwide currently use this method of contraception, and the majority of users report high levels of satisfaction.

Many women, however, experience unpleasant side effects, ranging from mood changes to androgenic effects, such as acne and unwanted hair growth. The latter are caused by the fact that some progestins (the synthetic versions of the hormone progesterone used in oral contraceptives) interact with androgen receptors. The androgens, such as testosterone, are steroid hormones that are responsible for male characteristics. Some progestins have high androgenic activity and therefore increase the chances of androgen-related side effects, but many more modern pills actually exert anti-androgenic effects.

Over the years, many studies have scrutinized these side effects, but the focus of the majority of these studies has been on metabolic and emotional effects. A few studies also looked at effects on cognitive tasks, and some found that the pill is associated with memory changes, enhancing verbal and recognition memory. The possible effects on brain structure and function, however, have been largely ignored, despite the fact that the steroid from which many progestins were derived has been demonstrated to induce changes in the brain.

A few years back, a study aimed to address this gap in our knowledge and discovered that users of oral contraceptives had larger volumes of gray matter (brain tissue consisting of nerve cell bodies) in certain areas of the brain. However, they failed to take into account the androgenic activity (androgenicity) of the progestin or control for age differences.

Building on this work, scientists from the University of Salzberg enrolled 60 women into a new study. 20 of the participants were naturally cycling, i.e. not taking oral contraceptives (OCs), 18 were using OCs containing androgenic progestins, and 22 were taking OCs containing anti-androgenic progestins.

As described in Brain Research, after controlling for age, MRI scans revealed that women using anti-androgenic progestins had significantly larger gray matter volumes in several brain regions when compared with naturally cycling women. These brain areas include the hippocampus, which is involved in learning and memory, and the fusiform face area (FFA), which is thought to be specialized for facial recognition. Furthermore, they found that volume increased with duration of use, i.e. the longer women had been taking the pill, the greater the gray matter volume in these areas. Women taking androgenic progestins, however, had smaller gray matter volumes in certain brain regions when compared with naturally cycling women.

Next, they asked women to participate in a facial recognition test, which revealed that these observed changes were related to task performance. For the task, women were presented with 30 faces, 15 male and 15 female, for 3 seconds, and asked to memorize them. Next, they were shown 60 photos, which included the 30 previous photos and 30 previously unseen photos, and asked to indicate which ones they had seen before.

The researchers found that women taking anti-androgenic progestins performed significantly better than members of the other two groups, and that performance was related to the gray matter volume in the FFA.

Taken together, this study suggests that androgenic and anti-androgenic progestins may exert differential effects on brain structure. However, this study is limited by the fact that a small sample size was used, and the fact that it is not possible to discern which compound in the combined oral contraceptive could be inducing these effects.

Contraceptive Pill Associated With Changes In Brain Structure

Philae Detected Organic Molecules On Comet

The Philae lander has detected organic molecules on the surface of its comet, scientists have confirmed.

Carbon-containing “organics” are the basis of life on Earth and may give clues to chemical ingredients delivered to our planet early in its history.

The compounds were picked up by a German-built instrument designed to “sniff” the comet’s thin atmosphere. Other analyses suggest the comet’s surface is largely water-ice covered with a thin dust layer.

The European Space Agency (Esa) craft touched down on the Comet 67P on 12 November after a 10-year journey.

Dr Fred Goessmann, principal investigator on the Cosac instrument, which made the organics detection, confirmed the find to BBC News. But he added that the team was still trying to interpret the results.

It has not been disclosed which molecules have been found, or how complex they are.

Continue reading the main story

“Start Quote

There’s a trade off – once it gets too hot, Philae will die as well. There is a sweet spot” Prof Mark McCaughrean Senior science adviser, Esa. The results are likely to provide insights into the possible role of comets in contributing some of the chemical building blocks to the primordial mix from which life evolved on the early Earth.

Preliminary results from the Mupus instrument, which deployed a hammer to the comet after Philae’s landing, suggest there is a layer of dust 10-20cm thick on the surface with very hard water-ice underneath.

The ice would be frozen solid at temperatures encountered in the outer Solar System – Mupus data suggest this layer has a tensile strength similar to sandstone.

“It’s within a very broad spectrum of ice models. It was harder than expected at that location, but it’s still within bounds,” said Prof Mark McCaughrean, senior science adviser to Esa, told BBC News.

“People will be playing with [mathematical] models of pure water-ice mixed with certain amount of dust.”

The Organic Detector on Philae

COSAC – Cometary Sampling and Composition Experiment

COSAC is one of two gas analyzers on board the lander Philae.

Science Objectives: The instrument is designed to identify organic compounds in the material from the nucleus of comet 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

A large part of cometary material consists of organic matter (i.e. carbonic compounds) and water. At the time when the Earth was formed, the planet was most likely much too hot to bind such volatile molecules. It is therefore probable that at least part of the materials that were decisive for Earth’s chemical and biological evolution were carried to Earth much later by comets. These very old bodies therefore play a decisive role in the development of life.

Freedawn Scientia - Philae Detected Organic Molecules On Comet This image shows the instrument COSAC integrated into the Rosetta Lander Philae.

COSAC is destined to obtain information on the composition of volatile compounds from the comet’s nucleus and thus contribute to a deeper understanding of the history of life.

Instrument: COSAC consists of a gas chromatograph (GC) and a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) as well as the necessary auxiliary systems to operate both. Soil samples are filled into ovens with the help of a drill. These ovens are then sealed and heated. The gas that is created in this way is then delivered to the CG, the MS, and a combination of both for measurements.

COSAC was developed and built under the leadership of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research. Partners are the das Laboratoire Inter-universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (Paris), the Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (Paris), and the University of Gießen.

Philae Detected Organic Molecules On Comet

New Horizons Set to Wake Up for Pluto Encounter

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft comes out of hibernation for the last time on Dec. 6. Between now and then, while the Pluto-bound probe enjoys three more weeks of electronic slumber, work on Earth is well under way to prepare the spacecraft for a six-month encounter with the dwarf planet that begins in January.

Freedawn Scientia - New Horizons Set to Wake Up for Pluto Encounter Pluto Probe Wakes From Hibernation Next Month Time to Wake Up: Artist’s impression of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, currently en route to Pluto. Operators at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory are preparing to “wake” the spacecraft from electronic hibernation on Dec. 6, when the probe will be more than 2.9 billion miles from Earth. (Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute)

“New Horizons is healthy and cruising quietly through deep space – nearly three billion miles from home – but its rest is nearly over,” says Alice Bowman, New Horizons mission operations manager at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md. “It’s time for New Horizons to wake up, get to work, and start making history.”

Since launching in January 2006, New Horizons has spent 1,873 days in hibernation – about two-thirds of its flight time – spread over 18 separate hibernation periods from mid-2007 to late 2014 that ranged from 36 days to 202 days long.

In hibernation mode much of the spacecraft is unpowered; the onboard flight computer monitors system health and broadcasts a weekly beacon-status tone back to Earth. On average, operators woke New Horizons just over twice each year to check out critical systems, calibrate instruments, gather science data, rehearse Pluto-encounter activities and perform course corrections when necessary.

New Horizons pioneered routine cruise-flight hibernation for NASA. Not only has hibernation reduced wear and tear on the spacecraft’s electronics, it lowered operations costs and freed up NASA Deep Space Network tracking and communication resources for other missions.

Next month’s wake-up call was preprogrammed into New Horizons’ on-board computer in August, commanding it come out of hibernation at 3 p.m. EST on Dec. 6. About 90 minutes later New Horizons will transmit word to Earth that it’s in “active” mode; those signals, even traveling at light speed, will need four hours and 25 minutes to reach home. Confirmation should reach the mission operations team at APL around 9:30 p.m. EST. At the time New Horizons will be more than 2.9 billion miles from Earth, and just 162 million miles – less than twice the distance between Earth and the sun – from Pluto.

After several days of collecting navigation-tracking data, downloading and analyzing the cruise science and spacecraft housekeeping data stored on New Horizons’ digital recorders, the mission team will begin activities that include conducting final tests on the spacecraft’s science instruments and operating systems, and building and testing the computer-command sequences that will guide New Horizons through its flight to and reconnaissance of the Pluto system. Tops on the mission’s science list are characterizing the global geology and topography of Pluto and its large moon Charon, mapping their surface compositions and temperatures, examining Pluto’s atmospheric composition and structure, studying Pluto’s smaller moons and searching for new moons and rings.

New Horizons’ seven-instrument science payload, developed under direction of Southwest Research Institute, includes advanced imaging infrared and ultraviolet spectrometers, a compact multicolor camera, a high-resolution telescopic camera, two powerful particle spectrometers, a space-dust detector (designed and built by students at the University of Colorado) and two radio science experiments. The entire spacecraft, drawing electricity from a single radioisotope thermoelectric generator, operates on less power than a pair of 100-watt light bulbs.

Distant observations of the Pluto system begin Jan. 15 and will continue until late July 2015; closest approach to Pluto is July 14.

“We’ve worked years to prepare for this moment,” says Mark Holdridge, New Horizons encounter mission manager at APL. “New Horizons might have spent most of its cruise time across nearly three billion miles of space sleeping, but our team has done anything but, conducting a flawless flight past Jupiter just a year after launch, putting the spacecraft through annual workouts, plotting out each step of the Pluto flyby and even practicing the entire Pluto encounter on the spacecraft. We are ready to go.”

“The final hibernation wake up Dec. 6 signifies the end of an historic cruise across the entirety of our planetary system,” added New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern, of the Southwest Research Institute. “We are almost on Pluto’s doorstep!”

The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory manages the New Horizons mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Alan Stern, of the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is the principal investigator and leads the mission; SwRI leads the science team, payload operations, and encounter science planning. New Horizons is part of the New Frontiers Program managed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. APL designed, built and operates the New Horizons spacecraft.

– Credit and Resource –

New Horizons

New Horizons Set to Wake Up for Pluto Encounter

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Chimpanzee Ai | Chimp Shows off his Visual Processing Speed

Born 14 years ago in Japan, this is Ayumu the Chimp. Currently living at the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, Ayumu is a second generation research subject, taking part in what’s known as the Ai Project.

Freedawn Scientia - This chimp's visual processing speed is nuts Sure, we humans are super-smart with our lovely, big brains, but imagine having a photographic memory like this little chimp.

The Ai Project, which aims to advance our understanding of chimpanzee cognition, was named after Ayumu’s mother Ai – a 38-year-old chimp who’s also living at the university. It was first launched by primatologist Tetsuro Matsuzawa in 1978, when Ai was just two years old, and it’s now one of the longest running laboratory research projects on chimpanzee intelligence.

Right now, the project includes 14 chimpanzees, and the research focuses on language skills, numerical competency, visual processing abilities, and memory retention.

Amuyu has been involved in the Ai Project since birth, and is seen above performing a simple short-term memory task, where he has to remember the sequential order of numbers and find them as quickly as possible on a touch-sensitive computer screen. When he was just five years old, Amuyu surprised everyone when was pitted against university students in a similar test and proved faster at it than any of them.

“When the numbers were displayed for about seven-tenths of a second, Ayumu and the college students were both able to do this correctly about 80 percent of the time,” CBS News reported at the time. “But when the numbers were displayed for just four-tenths or two-tenths of a second, the chimp was the champ. The briefer of those times is too short to allow a look around the screen, and in those tests Ayumu still scored about 80 percent, while humans plunged to 40 percent.”

Freedawn Scientia - This chimp's visual processing speed is nuts Sure, we humans are super-smart with our lovely, big brains, but imagine having a photographic memory like this little chimp. Chimpanzee Ai, Very clever money

Born 14 years ago in Japan, this is Ayumu the Chimp. Currently living at the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, Ayumu is a second generation research subject, taking part in what’s known as the Ai Project.

The Ai Project, which aims to advance our understanding of chimpanzee cognition, was named after Ayumu’s mother Ai – a 38-year-old chimp who’s also living at the university. It was first launched by primatologist Tetsuro Matsuzawa in 1978, when Ai was just two years old, and it’s now one of the longest running laboratory research projects on chimpanzee intelligence.

Right now, the project includes 14 chimpanzees, and the research focuses on language skills, numerical competency, visual processing abilities, and memory retention.

Amuyu has been involved in the Ai Project since birth, and is seen above performing a simple short-term memory task, where he has to remember the sequential order of numbers and find them as quickly as possible on a touch-sensitive computer screen. When he was just five years old, Amuyu surprised everyone when was pitted against university students in a similar test and proved faster at it than any of them.

Freedawn Scientia - This chimp's visual processing speed is nuts Sure, we humans are super-smart with our lovely, big brains, but imagine having a photographic memory like this little chimp. Chimpanzee Ai, Very clever money

“When the numbers were displayed for about seven-tenths of a second, Ayumu and the college students were both able to do this correctly about 80 percent of the time,” CBS News reported at the time. “But when the numbers were displayed for just four-tenths or two-tenths of a second, the chimp was the champ. The briefer of those times is too short to allow a look around the screen, and in those tests Ayumu still scored about 80 percent, while humans plunged to 40 percent.”

Even Matsuzawa was amazed by what little Amuyu could do, and told CBS News that perhaps humans gave up this kind of hyper-speed visual processing power in order to evolve better language skills. And perhaps Amuyu’s young age actually helped – the memory skills needed for this kind of test are often strong in children, but they weaken with age. And it shows – his mother Ai did even worse than the college students.

Laser-Radio Links Upgrade the Internet

Wireless links formed partly by lasers may offer a faster, cheaper way to improve mobile Internet.

The rise of Wi-Fi and cellular data services made Internet access more convenient and ubiquitous. Now some of the high-speed backhaul data that powers Internet services looks set to go wireless, too.

Technology that uses parallel radio and laser links to move data through the air at high speeds, in wireless hops of up to 10 kilometers at a time, is in trials with three of the largest U.S. Internet carriers. It is also being rolled out by one telecommunications provider in Mexico, and is helping build out the Internet infrastructure of Nigeria, a country that was connected to a new high-capacity submarine cable from Europe last year.

AOptix, the company behind the technology, pitches it as a cheaper and more practical alternative to laying new fiber optic cables. Efforts to dig trenches to install fiber in urban areas face significant bureaucratic and physical challenges.

Meanwhile, many rural areas and developing countries lack the infrastructure needed to support fiber, says Chandra Pusarla, senior vice president of products and technology at AOptix. He says a faster way to install new capacity is to use his company’s wireless transmission towers to move data at two gigabits per second.

Pusarla says the service is particularly attractive to wireless carriers, whose customers have growing appetites for mobile data. Many U.S. providers are currently scrambling to install fiber to replace the copper cables that still link up around half of all cellular towers, he says, but progress has been slow and costly. In the suburbs of New York City, the cost of installing a single kilometer of new fiber can be $800,000, says Pusarla.

AOptix technology takes the form of a box roughly the size of a coffee table with an infrared laser peering out of a small window on the front, and a directional millimeter wave radio beside it. The two technologies form a wireless link with an identical box up to 10 kilometers away. A series of such connections can be daisy-chained together to make a link of any length.

AOptix teamed up the laser and radio links to compensate for weaknesses with either technology used alone. Laser beams are blocked by fog, while millimeter wave radio signals are absorbed by rain. Routing data over both simultaneously provides redundancy that allows an AOptix link to guarantee a rate of two gigabits per second with only five minutes or less downtime in a year, whatever the weather conditions, says Pusarla.

A typical fiber connection might be 10 or more times faster than that, due to the limitations of the radio frequency link. But AOptix says the convenience of its technology makes up for that, and it could be increased to four gigabits or more in the future.

The radio and laser equipment inside an AOptix device move automatically to compensate for the swaying of a cell tower caused by wind. AOptix originally developed its laser technology for the Pentagon, designing systems that actively steer laser beams to keep data moving between ground stations, drones, and fighter jets.

Pursala declined to identify the three U.S. carriers that have been testing AOptix’s technology over the past year or so, or its Nigerian customer.

Other early customers are being more open. The Mexican telecommunications company Car-sa recently switched on the first of several links it plans to use to link up cellular towers and provide Internet to corporate customers. And before the end of the year, Anova Technologies, a networking company that specializes in the financial industry, will use AOptix technology in New Jersey to shave nanoseconds off the time it takes data to travel between the computers of Nasdaq Stock Market and the New York Stock Exchange.

Laser-Radio Links Upgrade the Internet

Water-Repellent Coating Could Make Power Plants Greener

A startup has created a water-repellent coating that could significantly increase power plant efficiency.

Applying a novel coating to part of the machinery in power plants could significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Applying it at just one coal plant would reduce yearly emissions as much as taking 4,000 cars off the road would, says Kripa Varanasi, a professor of mechanical engineering at MIT who helped develop the new coating, which is being commercialized by a startup called DropWise.

The coating improves the efficiency of a key part of a power plant, the steam condenser. In power plants, fuel is burned to produce steam that spins a turbine. As the steam emerges from the turbine, it needs to be cooled down and condensed back into water—doing so creates a suction force that helps spin the turbine.

The coating helps increase that suction force. The condenser is a series of pipes, and when steam hits them, it turns to water. Ordinarily, water builds up on the walls of the pipes and slows down the cooling process. The new coating repels water, keeping it from building up.

Researchers have been attempting to develop such coatings for decades, but existing methods for depositing them—such as spraying—have trouble producing the correct thickness. Depending on the method and material, they were either so thick that they themselves slowed cooling, or too thin to withstand the harsh steam, says Jonathan Boreyko, a Virginia Tech professor and expert on heat transfer who did not participate in the work.

To get the right thickness, MIT researchers invented a new process that involves flowing two gases past heated filaments. The gases react and form a polymer coating that is “just thin enough to still be much more efficient, but thick enough to be durable,” Boreyko says.

So far the coating technology has been tested only in the lab. DropWise is working on deals to test the technology in power plants. While the technology could help with emissions, the main incentive for power plants to use the technology would likely be fuel savings—power plant operators could save nearly half a million dollars per year.

Water-Repellent Coating Could Make Power Plants Greener

Nanoparticle Detects the Deadliest Cancer Cells in Blood

A novel kind of nanoparticle could lead to more effective cancer treatments.

Patients and doctors often don’t know if surgery to remove cancerous tissue was successful until scans are performed months later. A new kind of nanoparticle could show patients if they’re in the clear much earlier.

The nanoparticles—dubbed nanoflares—attach themselves to individual cancer cells in a blood sample and then glow, allowing cancerous cells to be detected and sorted with the help of a laser. Since different types of cancer cells—some of which are far more lethal than others—can be detected and collected using the technique, and since those cells can then be cultured in a dish, the nanoparticles may also make it easier to test potential treatments before giving them to patients.

In a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers show that the nanoparticles can detect different types of breast cancer cells in mice. They also show that they could identify breast cancer cells added to human blood in a lab. The next step is to see whether the particles can find cancer cells in blood samples from patients.

Each nanoflare consists of a chunk of gold coated with fluorescent molecules and snippets of DNA. The DNA is selected to correspond to RNA found in particular cancer cells. Once introduced into a blood sample, the nanoparticles will enter cancer cells and the DNA will bind to the target RNA, triggering the release of fluorescent molecules and causing the cancer cells to glow. Different types of cancer cells can be detected by attaching different strands of DNA and fluorescent molecules of different colors.

Circulating tumor cells are “the most lethal kind,” because they allow cancer to spread, says Melissa Skala, a professor of biomedical engineering at Vanderbilt University. Such cells, however, are challenging to find because they occur in such small numbers.

Other researchers are developing similar approaches for detecting circulating tumor cells, often using nanoparticles that bind to the surface of cancer cells. The new approach offers two potential advantages, says Shad Thaxton, a professor of urology at Northwestern, and one of the researchers involved in the work. As well as making it possible to better differentiate between various cancer cells, the approach keeps cells alive so they can be cultured, while other approaches tend to destroy them.

It may take years for nanoflare-based tests to be approved for treating breast cancer or other forms of the disease. But even before then, nanoflares could be used to better understand cancers and help discover new drugs, says study author Chad Mirkin, director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology at Northwestern University. That’s because the technique allows specific types of cancer to be cultured and tested in the lab, he says.

Nanoparticle Detects the Deadliest Cancer Cells in Blood

Simple Circuit Could Double Cell Phone Data Speeds

A circuit that lets a radio send and receive data simultaneously over the same frequency could supercharge wireless data transfer.

A relatively simple circuit invented by researchers at the University of Texas could let smartphones and other wireless devices send and receive data twice as fast as they do now.

The circuit makes it possible for a radio to send and receive signals on the same channel simultaneously – something known as “full-duplex” communications. That should translate to a doubling of the rate at which information can be moved around wirelessly.

Today’s radios must send and receive at different times to avoid drowning out incoming signals with their own transmissions. As a smartphone accesses the Internet via a cell tower, for example, its radio flips back and forth between sending and receiving, similar way to the way two people having a conversation take turns to speak and listen.

The new circuit, known as a circulator, can isolate signals coming into a device from those it is sending out, acting as a kind of selective filter in between a device’s antenna and its radio circuitry. Circulators are already a crucial part of radar systems, but until now they have always been built using strong magnets made from rare earth metals, making them bulky and unsuited to the circuit boards inside devices such as laptops and smartphones.

The new circuit design avoids magnets, and uses only conventional circuit components. “It’s very cheap, compact, and light,” says Andrea Alù, the associate professor who led the work. “It’s ideal for a cell phone.”

The two-centimeter-wide device could easily be miniaturized and added to existing devices with little modification to the design. “This is just a standalone piece of hardware you put behind your antenna.”

Alù’s circulator design looks, and functions, like a traffic circle with three “roads,” in the form of wires, leading into it. Signals can travel into, or out of, the circle via any of those wires. But components called resonators spaced around that circle force signals to travel around it only in a clockwise direction.

When a wireless device’s antenna is connected to one of the wires leading into the circle, it isolates signals that have just been received from those the device has generated for transmission itself. The new design is described by Alù and colleagues in a paper in the journal Nature Physics.

“This is definitely a significant research development,” says Philip Levis, an associate professor at Stanford. “It’s a very new way to look at a very old problem, and has some very good results.” However Levis notes that work remains to be done to convert the lab-bench breakthrough into something practical for the crucial frequency bands used for Wi-Fi, cellular, and other communications.

Alù says that his circulator can easily be adjusted to work at a wide range of frequencies, and that he is exploring options for commercializing the design. The circuit could, for instance, help simplify and improve technology being tested by some U.S. and European cellular carriers that uses a combination of software and hardware to allow full-duplex radio links (see “The Clever Circuit That Doubles Bandwidth”).

Joel Brand, vice president for product management at startup Kumu Networks, which developed that technology, says the new device could indeed be useful. “We would be happy to take advantage of it,” he says.

Simple Circuit Could Double Cell Phone Data Speeds

Monday, 24 November 2014

Mysterious glowworm found in Peruvian rainforest

Wildlife photographer Jeff Cremer has discovered what appears to be a new type of bioluminescent larvae. He told members of the press recently that he was walking near a camp in the Peruvian rainforest at night a few years ago, when he came upon a side of exposed earth upon which there were many little green glowing dots. Taking a closer look, he found that each dot was in fact the glowing head of a worm of some sort. He posted pictures of what he’d found on Reddit which were eventually spotted by entomologist Aaron Pomerantz, with the Tambopata Research Center. After contacting Cremer, Pomerantz made a pilgrimage to see the worms, gathered some samples and set to work studying them. Shortly thereafter, he determined that the worms were the larvae of an unknown type of beetle, likely a type of click beetle.

Further study of the half inch long larvae revealed that the photoluminescence served just a single purpose, attracting prey. They would sit waiting with their jaws spread wide open. When the light they were emitting attracted something, typically ants or termites, the jaws would snap shut capturing the bug thus providing a meal. Pomerantz collected several samples of the larvae and took them back to a lab where they were tested—he and his colleagues found the larvae would snap shut on just about any bug that touched its jaws. He compared them to the giant worms in the 90’s sci-fi comedy, Tremors—only these were much smaller of course.

In the wild the larvae live in the ground—they push just their heads out, keeping their bodies hidden, revealing just their glowing heads—bugs, like moths to a light on the porch in summer, are attracted to the light and get eaten.

The team members still don’t know what kind of beetle the larvae would grow into, but are determined to find out—they aren’t even sure if they are from known species. There are a lot of different kinds of click beetles, approximately 10,000 species, about 200 of which are known to be bioluminescent. The entomologists believe the larvae get their luminescence from a molecule called Luciferin, which is also found in the compound used by fireflies to light up the night sky.

For loads more information on Glowworms, Check out In the Life of A Glow Worm

Mysterious glowworm found in Peruvian rainforest

In The Life of a Glowworm

The glow worm is a medium to large sized invertebrate that is famous for having a green and yellow coloured light on the end of it’s tail.

Glow worms are found inhabiting dense woodland and caves around the world with the exception of the Americas and glow worms are one of the few insects that are found inside the colder Arctic Circle. Glow worms are nocturnal animals which means that they are active during the dark night which is when their glowing rears can be seen.

Glow worm is the common name for various different groups of insect larva and adult larviform females which glow through bioluminescence. Glow worms may sometimes resemble actual worms, but all are insects as one species of glow worm is a type of fly but most glow worms species are actually beetles.

It is only the female glow worms that actually glow as they spend around 2 hours every night in the mating season with their bottoms in the air, trying to attract a mate. The male glow worms are attracted to the glowing object in the foliage but have also been known to be attracted to man-made lighting such as street lights.

Glow worms are most commonly seen in the UK between June and October and their green-lit tails tend to show up most clearly when the sun goes down at dusk. Legend says that early humans used to use glow worms to mark paths and provide light in huts. Glow worms were thought to have some kind of magical power and so people would also use the glow worm in medicines.

Glow worms are omnivorous animals but they tend to have a very meat-based diet. Glow worms predominantly prey on snails and slugs which make up the majority of the glow worm’s diet. Glow worms also prey on other insects and small invertebrates.

Due to their small size and the fact that they glow in the darkness, glow worms have numerous natural predators within their environment including spiders, large insects, birds, reptiles and centipedes.

Typically, the female glow worms lays between 50 and 100 eggs in moist areas, over a period of a few days. The tiny glow worm eggs are yellow in colour and can take between 3 and 6 weeks to hatch depending on the climate (the warmer it is, the faster the glow worm eggs will hatch).

Freedawn Scientia - One of Britain's most adored yet mysterious insects, glow worms face many modern day threats and challenges affecting their future existence. Glowworms

Glow worms are considered to be an animal species that is threatened with extinction as the glow worm population numbers are drastically decreasing. The main reason for the lower number of glow worms is thought to be the expansion of human civilisations. Glow worms are known to be particularly vulnerable to changes in their environment including habitat loss, noise and pollution.

Quick Glowworm Facts

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Order: Coleoptera

Family: Lampyridae

Common Name: Glow Worm

Scientific Name: Arachnocampa luminosa

Found: Worldwide

Diet: Omnivore

Size: 2.5-5.0cm (1-2in)

Number of Species: 12

Average Lifespan: 5 months

Conservation Status: Threatened

Colour: Black, Brown, Yellow, Green, Red

Skin Type: Shell

Favourite Food: Snails

Habitat: Undisturbed woodland and caves

Average Litter Size: 75

Main Prey: Snails, Slugs, Insects

Predators: Spiders, Birds, Centipedes

Special Features: Long, flat body and green light on tail

Glowworm Questions and Answers


A glowworm is the larvae stage in the lifecycle of a two-winged insect. It grows as long as a matchstick and looks a bit like a maggot. There are many different types of glowworm. The one we have in New Zealand is arachnocampa luminosa. ‘Arachno’ means spider-like, which refers to the way glowworms catch flying insects like spiders do. ‘Campa’ means larva and ‘luminosa’ means light-producing.


A glowworm uses its glow to attract food and to burn off its waste. It’s tail glows because of bioluminescence, which is a reaction between the chemicals given off by the glowworm and the oxygen in the air. This chemical reaction produces light, which the glowworm can control by reducing the oxygen to the light organ. Insects fly towards the light and get stuck in the sticky lines that the glowworm hangs down to catch food. Glowworms also use their glow to put other creatures off eating them.


Glowworms can survive only in very damp, dark places where their light can be seen. They need a ceiling that is fairly much horizontal from which they can hang their sticky feeding lines, and a sheltered place where wind does not dry them out or tangle their lines. The Waitomo Glowworm Caves provide a perfect environment with an abundance of insects brought into the cave via the river.

The Glowworms Lifecycle

The lifecycle of a Glowworm is in four stages and takes about 11 months. Eggs are laid in clutches of 30-40 on walls and ceilings. Immediately on hatching from the egg, the larvae emit a light, build a nest, put down lines and feed. Sticky substances on the lines trap insects and these are drawn up and devoured.

The larvae stage is the longest phase in the creature’s life and lasts around nine months. It then turns into a pupa in a cocoon and emerges as a two winged flying insect, which looks like a large mosquito.

The adult fly lives no longer than a few days as it has no digestive system and so cannot eat. Instead it uses this time to mate and lay eggs. The glowworms found in the Waitomo Glowworm Caves is a species unique to New Zealand.

Freedawn Scientia - Glowworm Lifecycle glowworm larvae stage adult fly


The female fly lays around 120 small spherical eggs. Within around 20 days the young larvae hatch from the eggs and crawl away.


After hatching the young larvae build a nest, put down lines and feed. Sticky substances on the feeding lines trap insects and these are drawn up and devoured. Even at this small size, less than 3 millimetres long, they emit a strong visible light and slowly grow over 9 months to the shape and size of a matchstick.


The pupa is the same as the cocoon stage in the butterfly lifecycle; it is the stage between the larva and the adult fly. This will last about 13 days with the pupa suspended by a thread from the ceiling.


The adult glowworm looks like a large mosquito. They have no mouth and their only function is to reproduce and disperse the species. Usually a male is waiting for the female to emerge from the pupa, mating takes place immediately and the cycle continues. Adult glowworms live no longer than a few days

Freedawn Scientia - Glow Worms, Glowworm facts and information. question and answers about glow worms, glow worm biology, pdf

More Information on the Glowworm

The Glow-worm herself (it is always the females who do the serious glowing) has very poor eyesight, so with a bit of care it should be possible to approach to within a few inches of her for a closer look without her being aware of you. At this range you can see that the light comes from two broad bands and two small dots on the underside of her tail, which she twists over so that it can be seen from above. Far from being a worm, she is really an insect, a beetle (Lampyris noctiluca) belonging to the firefly family. She has no wings, which means that she can’t go off in search of a mate, so instead she uses her light to flag down passing males as they patrol overhead.

If you inspect enough females you should eventually come across one who has managed to attract a partner (these often appear dimmer than lone females, partly because the males tend to obscure the light and partly because the female normally switches off her display once she starts to mate). In fact Glow-worms are extremely broad-minded in their mating habits and in extreme cases it is possible to find the female submerged beneath a scrum of as many as eight males, each trying to prise the others off. Seeing a male on his own you would be hard pushed to recognize him as belonging to the same species: he has a full set of wings and wing-cases and looks like a proper beetle. His huge eyes cover most of his head and allow him to home in on the female’s light, and a transparent visor protect them from knocks during his travels.

Neither the male nor the female Glow-worm have any mouthparts, so they can’t feed and their brief adult lives are a race to meet, mate and lay eggs. Most males are dead within a few days of mating and very few females reach the ripe old age of three weeks. A female can’t afford to waste precious time and energy on travelling, so she rarely strays more than a yard or two from where she first emerged. Having mated, she lays about 50 – 150 small, round, faintly-glowing eggs, but by the time they hatch about a month later she will have long since died.

When it first hatches from its egg the Glow-worm larva is almost pure white, but it soon darkens to a distinctive soot-black, with cream spots at the corners of each segment of its body. Like most children it is very picky about what it will eat, accepting only slugs and snails. It nips its prey with sharp, sickle-shaped jaws that inject a poison to paralyse and digest the victim, dissolving it into a lumpy soup that the larva can lap up. In this way the young Glow-worm may polish off as many as seventy slugs and snails during the course of its childhood.

Again like many children the young Glow-worm is a messy eater, but unlike most children it will clean itself up after each meal. A special organ stowed in the tip of its tail can be opened out into a cluster of tentacles, which the larva uses to sponge down its head, legs and body, mopping up any remaining blobs of liquefied snail.

The Glow-worm larva itself seems to have very few enemies to worry about. Its body is thought to contain a poison that protects it against predators and it uses pulses of light from two small spots beneath its tail to warn would-be attackers that it is not to be messed with.

In fact it may be that the Glow-worm’s distant firefly ancestors first evolved their light as a warning signal and only later started using it as a way of attracting a mate. To repel predators with poor eyesight, such as ants, the larva has a row of white glands down each side of its body which produce an unpleasant taste.

A typical Glow-worm larva takes two years to grow up, hunting in the summer and passing two winters in hibernation below ground or under logs or stones. For most of its childhood it is strictly nocturnal and rarely seen, but in the spring of its final year it will change its habits and start to wander about in broad daylight, perhaps looking for new habitat or seeking out a good spot in which to pupate. Once it has found a safe retreat it sheds its skin for the last time and passes the next week or two as a pupa. Finally, two years after being born, the Glow-worm re-emerges as an adult, ready to complete its life cycle.

Glowworm Pictures

Fun Facts on the Glowworms

> Glowworms are not worms, but insects.

> The adult glowworm cannot eat because it has no mouth.

> It can take the female up to 24 hours to lay her eggs.

> A male adult glowworm lives for 5 days, but the female only lives for 2 days.

> The larva stage of the insect is the only stage that eats anything.

> The larva can last for several months without eating.

> The glowworm larva is more like a maggot than a worm.

> The female lays about 130 eggs and dies immediately afterwards.

> Glow worms are cannibals!.

> The female glow worm is generally larger than the male.

> They do not have to look for food – it comes to them. It is attracted by their glow.

> They catch their food in sticky fishing lines that they hang down.

> They eat meat, usually other insects.

> A glowworm lives for 10 – 11 months from birth to death.

> A glow worm spends up to 7months of its life glowing in the larva stage.

> The glow worm fly (adult) is a poor flyer.

> Glow worms live in dark , damp places like caves and river banks.

> The Māori name for the glowworm is “pura toke” (blind or one-eyed worm).

PDFs on Glowworms

> The Biology and Distribution of Glowworms
> Glowworms Fact Pack

Ultra-short X-ray pulses explore the nano world

Ultra-short and extremely strong X-ray flashes, as produced by free-electron lasers, are opening the door to a hitherto unknown world. Scientists are using these flashes to take “snapshots” of the geometry of tiniest structures, for example the arrangement of atoms in molecules. To improve not only spatial but also temporal resolution further requires knowledge about the precise duration and intensity of the X-ray flashes. An international team of scientists has now tackled this challenge.

X-ray flashes are a unique scientific tool. They are generated by accelerating electrons to very high energy levels in kilometer-long vacuum tubes, so-called linear accelerators, and then deflecting them with specially arranged magnets. In the process the particles emit X-ray radiation that is amplified until an ultra-short and intensive X-ray flash is released.

Researchers use these X-ray flashes to resolve structures as small as one ten billionth of a meter (0.1 nanometer) in size. That is roughly the diameter of a hydrogen atom. In this way, biomolecules, for example, can be imaged at extremely high resolution, providing new insight into the nano cosmos of nature.

Using two quickly sequenced flashes the researchers can even obtain information on structural changes during reactions. The first laser flash triggers a reaction while the second measures structural changes during the reaction. For this it is essential to know the precise duration and temporal intensity distribution of the X-ray flashes. However, hitherto it has not been possible to measure the ultra-short pulses directly.

Researchers at the Technische Universität München (TUM), the Hamburg Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) in Garching, in collaboration with other colleagues, have now developed just such a methodology. The respective experiments were done at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California (USA) by a team headed by Professor Reinhard Kienberger, Dr. Wolfram Helml (TUM) and Dr. Andreas Maier (CFEL).

The scientists determined the duration of the X-ray flashes by modifying a process originally developed to measure ultra-short flashes of light. The physicists directed the X-ray flashes into a vacuum chamber filled with a few atoms of an inert gas. There they superimposed the flashes with 2.4 micrometer wavelength pulses of infrared light.

When the X-ray flashes hit a gas atom they knock electrons out of the innermost shell, setting them free. After being liberated the electrons are accelerated or decelerated by the electrical field of the infrared light pulse. The change in an electron’s velocity is a function of when the light intercepts the electron, and thus of the electrical field strength at the moment of ionization.

Since electrons are set free during the full duration of an X-ray flash, electrons emitted at different points in time “feel” different field strengths of the periodically oscillating infrared light. As a result they are accelerated at varying rates. The physicists can then calculate the duration of the original X-ray flash from the different arrival times of the electrons in a detector.

Using this approach, the researchers determined that the average pulse duration doesn’t exceed four and a half femtoseconds – a femtosecond is a millionth of a billionth of a second (10-15 seconds). In addition, the researchers obtained insight into the structure of the X-ray flashes.

A characteristic of the intense X-ray flashes generated in free-electron lasers is their randomly changing pulse form. A typical X-ray pulse comprises multiple contiguous shorter “X-ray spikes.” The number and intensity of these spikes varies from one shot to the next.

For the first time ever, the researchers managed to measure these ultra-short sub-peaks directly and confirm predictions that the individual flashes last only around 800 attoseconds – an attosecond is a billionth of a billionth of a second (10-18 seconds). The new methodology allows the detailed, direct temporal measurement of X-ray pulses and augments methodologies for determining pulse shape and length indirectly from the structure of the electron packets used to generate the flashes.

The enhanced X-ray pulse measurement technology may also find application at the new Center for Advanced Laser Applications (CALA) at the Garching campus. Researchers there are working on, among other things, generating even shorter X-ray pulses using high-energy lasers. Pulses with a duration of only a few attoseconds, would allow researchers to take “snapshots” of even faster processes in nature, like the movement of electrons around atomic nuclei.

However, X-ray flashes provide not only basic research with new perspectives. Medicine could also profit from the technology. “Ultra-short laser-like X-ray pluses serve not only the investigation of the fastest physical processes at the core of matter, but could, because of their extremely high intensity, also be used to destroy tumors following X-ray diagnosis,” explains Reinhard Kienberger, professor for laser and X-ray physics at TU München and leader of the research consortium.

Ultra-short X-ray pulses explore the nano world