Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Young Galaxy Baffles Astronomers

The Hubble Space Telescope has captured a rather striking image of a nearby galaxy, just 39 million light-years away, with an unusually youthful appearance that has left astronomers scratching their heads. Galaxies in our cosmic neighborhood tend to be elderly, and astronomers usually have to peep very far back in time to observe galactic evolution in the early universe. So is this glistening sprawl of stars and gas truly an exception, or is it deceiving us?

Galaxies are usually not very good at hiding their age; older galaxies are generally larger as they’ve collided and merged with other galaxies throughout their lifetimes, plumping them out. They’re also usually packed with various different types of stars—big ones, small ones, old ones and young ones. The fiery cores of stars also help to enrich older galaxies with heavy elements, as do various stellar events that occur over their lifetimes. Younger galaxies, on the other hand, tend to be small in comparison and have a similar chemical makeup to the primordial matter created in the Big Bang (hydrogen, helium and lithium).

Astronomers know this because they’ve been studying galactic evolution for years with the help of powerful telescopes, such as the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. These instruments allow us to gaze over phenomenal distances and because some of the light has taken billions of years to reach us, we are essentially peering back in time.

As we look further into the distance, and hence further back in time, we observe younger and younger galaxies. This is very useful for understanding how galaxies change over time, but unfortunately it can also be problematic. This is because baby galaxies are generally very faint and small. Those residing closer to us, on the other hand, tend to be more mature.

DDO 68, or UGC 5340, seems to be an exception to the rule. Just 39 million light-years away from us, this curious galaxy seems to be one of the best candidates discovered so far of a nearby young galaxy. 39 million-light years is obviously still an incredible distance, but young galaxies are usually substantially further from us, billions of light-years away.

Looking at DDO 68’s structure, appearance and chemical make-up, it seems to be pretty young. For example, it is lacking in heavy elements that would indicate previous generations of stars that lace the galaxy with more and more metals as they come to an end. Furthermore, the stellar population of this galaxy was thought to only be around 1 billion years old; much younger than our 5-billion-year-old sun.

Researchers will continue to study the Hubble observations to see if there are older stars in the galaxy, such as red giants, which currently seems to be the case. If this is true, then we know this galaxy is not only filled with infant stars and is therefore older than it gives away. If not, then this galaxy really is unique.

DDO 68, imaged here by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, would seem to be the best example of a nearby newly-formed galaxy. Just how nearby? Estimates place it at about 39 million light years distant. While this might seem like a very long way, it is still roughly 50 times closer than other galactic examples. Studying galaxies of different ages is important to our understanding of how the Universe works. Astronomers have discovered that young galaxies are quite different than those which have aged. In this case, DDO 68 gives off the appearance of being young. These findings come from examining its structure, appearance and composition. However, researchers question their findings. It is possible this galaxy may be considerably older than initial findings indicate.

“All of the available data are consistent with the fact that DDO 68 is a very rare candidate for young galaxies.” says S. A. Pustilnik (et al). “The bulk of its stars were formed during the recent (with the first encounter about 1 Gyr ago) merger of two very gas-rich disks.”

These common events – mergers and collisions – are part of galactic life and are generally responsible for older galaxies being more bulky. These “senior citizens” are normally laced with a wide variety of stellar types – young, old, large and small. The chemistry is also different, too. Very young galaxies are rich in hydrogen and helium, making them tantalizingly similar in composition to the primordial matter created by the Big Bang. Older galaxies have more experiences. Numerous stellar events have happened within them over their lifetimes, making them rich in heavy elements. This is what makes DDO 68 very exciting! It is the best local candidate found so far to be low in heavier elements.

“DDO 68 (UGC 5340) is the second most metal-poor star-forming galaxy,” explains Pustilnik. “Its peculiar optical morphology and its HI distribution and kinematics are indicative of a merger origin. We use the u, g, r, and i photometry based on the SDSS images of DDO 68 to estimate its stellar population ages.”

Step into the light? You bet. The Hubble observations were meant to examine the properties of this mysterious galaxy’s light – determine whether or not it contains any older stars. If they are discovered, which seems to be the case, this would disprove the theory that DDO 68 is singularly comprised of younger stars. If not, it will validate the unique nature of this nearby neighbor. While more computer modeling and studies are needed, we can still enjoy this incredible look at another cosmic enigma!

Young Galaxy Baffles Astronomers

‘Cloaking’ device uses ordinary lenses to hide objects across range of angles

A multidirectional `perfect paraxial’ cloak using four lenses. From a continuous range of viewing angles, the hand remains cloaked, and the grids seen through the device match the background on the wall (about 2 m away), in color, spacing, shifts, and magnification. // photo by J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester A multidirectional `perfect paraxial’ cloak using four lenses. From a continuous range of viewing angles, the hand remains cloaked, and the grids seen through the device match the background on the wall (about 2 m away), in color, spacing, shifts, and magnification. // photo by J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester

Inspired perhaps by Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak, scientists have recently developed several ways—some simple and some involving new technologies—to hide objects from view. The latest effort, developed at the University of Rochester, not only overcomes some of the limitations of previous devices, but it uses inexpensive, readily available materials in a novel configuration.

“There’ve been many high tech approaches to cloaking and the basic idea behind these is to take light and have it pass around something as if it isn’t there, often using high-tech or exotic materials,” said John Howell, a professor of physics at the University of Rochester. Forgoing the specialized components, Howell and graduate student Joseph Choi developed a combination of four standard lenses that keeps the object hidden as the viewer moves up to several degrees away from the optimal viewing position.

“This is the first device that we know of that can do three-dimensional, continuously multi-directional cloaking, which works for transmitting rays in the visible spectrum,” said Choi, a PhD student at Rochester’s Institute of Optics.

Many cloaking designs work fine when you look at an object straight on, but if you move your viewpoint even a little, the object becomes visible, explains Howell. Choi added that previous cloaking devices can also cause the background to shift drastically, making it obvious that the cloaking device is present.

In order to both cloak an object and leave the background undisturbed, the researchers determined the lens type and power needed, as well as the precise distance to separate the four lenses. To test their device, they placed the cloaked object in front of a grid background. As they looked through the lenses and changed their viewing angle by moving from side to side, the grid shifted accordingly as if the cloaking device was not there. There was no discontinuity in the grid lines behind the cloaked object, compared to the background, and the grid sizes (magnification) matched.

A multidirectional `perfect paraxial’ cloak using four lenses. From a continuous range of viewing angles, the hand remains cloaked, and the grids seen through the device match the background on the wall (about 2 m away), in color, spacing, shifts, and magnification. // photo by J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester A multidirectional `perfect paraxial’ cloak using four lenses. From a continuous range of viewing angles, the hand remains cloaked, and the grids seen through the device match the background on the wall (about 2 m away), in color, spacing, shifts, and magnification. // photo by J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester

The Rochester Cloak can be scaled up as large as the size of the lenses, allowing fairly large objects to be cloaked. And, unlike some other devices, it’s broadband so it works for the whole visible spectrum of light, rather than only for specific frequencies.

Their simple configuration improves on other cloaking devices, but it’s not perfect. “This cloak bends light and sends it through the center of the device, so the on-axis region cannot be blocked or cloaked,” said Choi. This means that the cloaked region is shaped like a doughnut. He added that they have slightly more complicated designs that solve the problem. Also, the cloak has edge effects, but these can be reduced when sufficiently large lenses are used.

In a new paper submitted to the journal Optics Express and available on arXiv.org, Howell and Choi provide a mathematical formalism for this type of cloaking that can work for angles up to 15 degrees, or more. They use a technique called ABCD matrices that describes how light bends when going through lenses, mirrors, or other optical elements.

Setup of the multidirectional `perfect paraxial’ cloak as seen from the side. Laser shows the paths that light rays travel through the system, showing regions that can be used for cloaking an object. // photo by J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester Setup of the multidirectional `perfect paraxial’ cloak as seen from the side. Laser shows the paths that light rays travel through the system, showing regions that can be used for cloaking an object. // photo by J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester

While their device is not quite like Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak, Howell had some thoughts about potential applications, including using cloaking to effectively let a surgeon “look through his hands to what he is actually operating on,” he said. The same principles could be applied to a truck to allow drivers to see through blind spots on their vehicles.

Howell became interested in creating simple cloaking devices with off-the-shelf materials while working on a holiday project with his children. Together with his 14 year-old son and Choi, he recently published a paper about some of the possibilities, and also demonstrated simple cloaking with mirrors, like magicians would use, in a brief video.

How to Build Your Own Rochester Cloak

For their demonstration cloak, the researchers used 50mm achromatic doublets with focal lengths f1 = 200mm and f2 = 75mm For their demonstration cloak, the researchers used 50mm achromatic doublets with focal lengths f1 = 200mm and f2 = 75mm

1. Purchase 2 sets of 2 lenses with different focal lengths f1 and f2 (4 lenses total, 2 with f1 focal length, and 2 with f2 focal length)

2. Separate the first 2 lenses by the sum of their focal lengths (So f1 lens is the first lens, f2 is the 2nd lens, and they are separated by t1= f1+ f2).

3. Do the same in Step 2 for the other two lenses.

4. Separate the two sets by t2=2 f2 (f1+ f2) / (f1— f2) apart, so that the two f2 lenses are t2 apart.


> Achromatic lenses provide best image quality.

> Fresnel lenses can be used to reduce the total length (2t1+t2)

> Smaller total length should reduce edge effects and increase the range of angles.

> For an easier, but less ideal, cloak, you can try the 3 lens cloak in the paper.

‘Cloaking’ device uses ordinary lenses to hide objects across range of angles

Difference Between Venom & Poison Explained

We have done a number of posts on horrifying animals, plants, and other organisms that have the ability to kill you without any effort. Of course, many creatures that we have covered are not amazingly large monstrosities that will swallow you whole; rather, some of the planet’s fiercest predators are minuscule organisms that kill with poison…or is it venom…toxins?

Ultimately, word choice matters. Although most people use the terms interchangeably, the words are not, in fact, interchangeable (at least as far as English scientific terminology is concerned).

Here, Science and nature cartoonist Rosemary Mosco, from Bird and Moon, uses her talents to explain the difference between venom and poison in just one short comic. Now, if your final words are going to be something like, “I was attacked by a venomous horror!!!” you can rest soundly knowing that your last words were backed by sound science…

Freedawn Scientia - Difference between poison and venom explained

Ultimately, word choice matters. Although most people use the terms interchangeably, the words are not, in fact, interchangeable.

True, if you are dying because some unknown organism just latched on to your foot and injected you with some horrible mix of chemicals, your primary concern is probably not going to be, “was that thing venomous or poisonous?” And honestly, when you call for emergency medical assistance, they probably aren’t going to nitpick your word choice if you tell them, “I was just bitten by a poisonous snake!” However, personally, I don’t want my last statement to be a scientifically inaccurate one. And I am guessing that, since you are here, you likely don’t want that either. So let’s take a moment to distinguish venomous creatures from poisonous ones. That way, if your final words are going to be something like, “I was attacked by a venomous horror!” you can rest soundly knowing that your final words were backed by sound science.

Venomous or Poisonous?

The quick and dirty way to separate venomous creatures from poisonous ones is by thinking about bites: If you bite it and die, it is poisonous; if it bites you and you die, it is venomous.

But to break things down a bit more: To deliver their chemicals, venomous creatures bite you—they actively inject their deadly mixture into other organisms (via fangs, spines, stingers, or similar methods of delivery). For example, consider Oxyuranus microlepidotus (the inland tipan). This snake is generally believed to have the deadliest venom of any known creature. If this snake bites you, things will go downhill very quickly. A single drop of the inland taipan’s venom can kill 250,000 mice or 100 adult men. Fortunately, the snake is a bit on the shy side, and so it tends to avoid any contact with humans.

Another horrifyingly venomous snake is Dispholidus typus, the boomslang. The average size of these creatures is 1 to 1.6m (3.2 to 5.2 feet). And while many snakes have fangs and mouths that are too small to pose a danger to humans, this is certainly not the case with the boomslang. These creatures are able to open their jaws more than 170 degrees in order to bite their prey. What’s more, the venom of the boomslang is a hemotoxin. This means that it disables the blood body’s clotting process…meaning that the unfortunate victim will likely die as a result of internal and external bleeding, unless medical treatment is administered. The venom is also known to induce hemorrhaging in muscle and brain tissues (not so fun times). In 1957, eminent herpetologist, Karl P. Schmidt, died just 24 hours after being bitten by a boomslang. Although he had time to see medical assistance and try to administer an antivenom, at the time, rear fanged creatures were not believed to be a serious threat. Consequently, Schmidt went about the daily business. 24 hours later, he was found dead from respiratory arrest and cerebral hemorrhage. That said, the boomslang is also a rather shy snake, and bites are exceedingly rare (however, if you are even bitten by any animal, seek medical attention as soon as possible).


If you are looking for a more scientific way to define venomous creatures, according to Trends in Ecology and Evolution, venom is:

A secretion, produced in a specialised gland in one animal and delivered to a target animal through the infliction of a wound ‘regardless of how tiny it could be,’ which contains molecules that disrupt normal physiological or biochemical processes so as to facilitate feeding or defense by the producing animal.

Conversely, poisonous creatures secrete their harmful chemicals (often, through their skin). In other words, a poisonous creature can only deliver its toxins if you (or another unwary creature) eats it or touches it. For example, let’s look at the poison dart frog (from the Dendrobatidae family). These guys are rather small, measuring in at just 2 inches (5cm). However, this tiny amphibian has enough enough poison to kill an estimated 20,000 mice (or about 10 adult humans).

Like many other poisonous creatures, scientists believe that the poison dart frog gets its deadly concoction from its environment. Research suggests that the frog eats insects that carry the poison, and that these insects get their poison from plants.


According to Oxford Dictionaries, “poisonous organisms” can be defined rather simply:


An organism that produces toxins that are harmful when the animal or plant is touched or eaten.

Notably, there are creatures that are poisonous and venomous. And as a final point in the discussion of poison and venom, there is a difference between talking about “poisonous creatures” and “poisons.” “Poison” actually has a rather broad definition; it is simply any chemical substance that causes a biological disturbance in other organisms.

So What Are Toxins?

Unlike venom and poison, the word “toxin” is not defined by a specific method of delivery. Rather, a toxin has a broader meaning. It is a biologically produced chemical substance that impact biological functions in other organisms. In this respect, anything that is synthesized (by humanity or other intelligent life) is not considered a toxin. Rather, a “toxicant” is a chemical substance that is synthesized/produced by human activity. In short, toxins and toxicants are narrower definitions for the word “poison.”

So to sum up:

Poisons are any chemical substances that impact biological functions in other organisms.

Toxins are biologically produced chemical substances that impact biological functions in other organisms.

Toxicants are synthesized chemical substances that impact biological functions in other organisms.

Poisonous organisms secrete chemical substances that impact biological functions in other organisms.

Venomous creatures inject chemical substances that impact biological functions in other organisms.

Difference Between Venom & Poison Explained

Friday, 26 September 2014

There Are Such Things as Black Holes

Recent headlines have proclaimed “Black Holes Don’t Exist!” They’re wrong. Black holes absolutely exist. We know this observationally. We know by the orbits of stars in the center of our galaxy that there is a supermassive black hole in its center. We know of binary black hole systems. We’ve found the infrared signatures of more than a million black holes. We know of stellar mass black holes, and intermediate mass black holes. We can even see a gas cloud ripped apart by the intense gravity of a black hole. And we can take images of black holes, such as the one above. Yes, Virginia, there are black holes.

So what’s with the headlines? It seems to start with an article about a new work concerning the formation of stellar mass black holes. The paper hasn’t been peer reviewed, but it is an extension of an earlier work by the same authors that has been peer reviewed. The focus of both of these papers is on the firewall paradox, specifically how Hawking radiation might affect the gravitational collapse of a star to form a black hole.

The firewall paradox is something that arises when you try to combine black holes with quantum theory. In quantum theory there are limits to what can be known about an object. For example, you cannot know an object’s exact energy. Because of this uncertainty, the energy of a system can fluctuate spontaneously, so long as its average remains constant. In 1974 Stephen Hawking demonstrated is that near the event horizon of a black hole pairs of particles can appear, where one particle becomes trapped within the event horizon (reducing the black holes mass slightly) while the other can escape as radiation (carrying away a bit of the black hole’s energy). These escaping particles have come to be known as Hawking radiation.

According to general relativity, if you were to fall into a black hole, you shouldn’t notice anything strange when you cross the event horizon. Yes, you might feelstrong tidal forces, but you’d feel those outside the black hole as well. But according to quantum theory if all this Hawking radiation is being created near the event horizon, then you should experience a firewall of quantum particles. The solution to this theoretical problem is still a matter of some debate. Some, such as Hawking and the authors of this new paper, feel that the Hawking firewall prevents black hole horizons from forming. Others, such as Sabine Hossenfelder argue that quantum theory doesn’t lead to a Hawking firewall. Just to be clear, I’m personally in the Hossenfelder camp.

In this new paper, the authors show that if the Hawking firewall idea is correct, then as a star starts collapsing at the end of its life, before it collapses into a black hole Hawking radiation starts kicking in, which pushes back against the collapsing star. So instead of collapsing into a solar-mass black hole, the star almost collapses into a black hole, Hawking radiation stops its collapse, and the stellar core then explodes. So the star dies in a supernova explosion, but no black hole is formed from its core.

This is interesting theoretical work, and it raises questions about the formation of stellar-mass black holes. But it doesn’t prove that stellar-mass black holes don’t exist, nor does it say anything about intermediate mass or supermassive black holes, which would form by processes other than stellar collapse. And of course the work depends upon Hawking’s take on firewalls to be correct, which hasn’t been proven. To say that this work proves black holes don’t exist is disingenuous at best.

So don’t buy into the hype. Black holes are real, this work is interesting, and the link-baiters should be ashamed of themselves.

Black Holes Exist, and We Have Some Massive Evidence

The center of our galaxy is about 27,000 light years away in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. That isn’t a large distance on astronomical scales, but it is hidden by gas and dust so we can’t observe it in visible light. We can, however, observe it at infrared and radio wavelengths, and what we see is very interesting.

Freedawn Scientia - Black holes do exist and we have some massive evidence

Over the past 20 years we’ve been able to individual infrared sources orbiting the galactic center. We now know these infrared sources are individual stars. Very near the center there is a cluster of about 100 stars known as the S-cluster. We’ve been able to determine their orbits, and they tell us something about the mass in the center of our galaxy.

In the figure below I’ve plotted the orbits of the five closest S-cluster stars. They have orbital periods ranging from 15 to 47 years. You can see that their orbits appear to be ellipses. This is just what you would expect if the central mass is very small (in size, not mass), and it means we can use Kepler’s laws of motion to determine the central mass.

Kepler’s third law says that if you take the cube of the semimajor axis (a measure of the size of the ellipse) and divide it by the square of its orbital period (how long it takes to complete one orbit), then you always get the same constant. If the semimajor axis is measured in AU and the period in years, then that constant is the mass of the central object.

Since we have determined the orbits of about 100 stars, we can calculate the central mass pretty accurately. What we find is that the central mass is about 4.3 million solar masses, give or take about 15,000 solar masses. That much mass in such a small volume means that the central mass must be a supermassive black hole.

That means we live less than 30,000 light years from a huge black hole. Hope you can sleep well tonight.

Freedawn Scientia - Black holes do exist.

Space Detective>

OJ287 is an interesting blazar. Typically a blazar is caused by a supermassive black hole in the center of a galaxy that is aligned so that the axis of rotation of the black hole points in our general direction. When the black hole is in a period of actively absorbing surrounding material (making it an active galactic nucleus, or AGN) it emits powerful jets from its poles. Since it is pointed in our general direction, we see an intense emission of energy known as a blazar.

OJ287 is different because it varies in brightness over a period of 11 – 12 years, with a sharp double spike in brightness when near maximum. Analysis of this variability during the 2005 outburst showed that the variation was due to a massive black hole of about 100 million solar masses orbiting a black hole of about 17 billion solar masses. Because the two are orbiting so closely, the smaller black hole intersects the accretion disk of the larger black hole, causing the characteristic double spike in the brightness. You can see how this works in the figure below.

OJ287 is different because it varies in brightness over a period of 11 – 12 years, with a sharp double spike in brightness when near maximum. Analysis of this variability during the 2005 outburst showed that the variation was due to a massive black hole of about 100 million solar masses orbiting a black hole of about 17 billion solar masses. Because the two are orbiting so closely, the smaller black hole intersects the accretion disk of the larger black hole, causing the characteristic double spike in the brightness. You can see how this works in the figure below.

Both of these black holes are unusually large. By comparison, the supermassive black hole in our own Milky Way galaxy is only about 4 million solar masses. The “small” companion in OJ287 is 25 times larger than that. The large companion is the largest known black hole in the universe.

There’s a certain amount of uncertainty to those measurements, particularly the larger one, because of the limited number of periods that have been observed. The blazar was first discovered as an intense radio source in a radio sky survey in the early 1970s, so there has only been about 3 periods to observe it.

But this is where things get interesting. Although OJ287 was discovered in the early 1970s, we actually have data on it dating back to 1891. That’s because it not only gives off intense radio waves when it flares up, it also brightens in the optical range. Although it wasn’t noticed as an object of interest, it would show up on photographic plates. So we actually have optical data on it for more than a century.

In a recent article in Astronomy and Astrophysics the authors did a bit of historical detective work. They studied photographic plates from the Harvard College Observatory, and found photographic images of OJ287 during its peak brightnesses of 1900 and 1913. From the plates they were able to gather about 500 historical data points. This was enough to determine the light curves of both events.

By comparing these century-old observations with modern observations, the authors were able to demonstrate that OJ287 is quasi-periodic. It has a roughly 12 year cycle, but not a fixed period. If it were a fixed period, then that would be evidence that the brightness cycle is driven by the orbit of the companion. But instead there is evidence that things are more complex.

This complexity seems to be due to the fact that the central black hole is rotating. This causes the orbit of the smaller black hole to precess through a process known as frame dragging. Given the size of the central black hole and the fact that black holes tend to rotate, this isn’t unexpected. There was in fact a model proposing this very effect in a 2010 paper. This new historical data supports that model.

The Harvard College Observatory has about 500,000 photographic plates spanning 120 years of observation. That’s a lot of data that can be mined for historical observations.

The Observable Evidence of a Million Black holes

n the center of most galaxies (including our own) is a supermassive black hole. These black holes can have masses of hundreds of millions of Suns. Some are more than a billion solar masses. Active supermassive black holes can be extraordinarily bright. When active, these black holes are surrounded by an accretion disk, which generates tremendous heat. Matter streams from their polar regions, creating huge jets of material that races away at nearly the speed of light.

How that energy is seen depends on how the galaxy (and hence the black hole) is oriented relative to us. If we view the galaxy edge on, then we mainly see the jets streaming outward, which produces intense radio energy, and we see them as radio galaxies. If the galaxy is tilted a bit toward us then we can see some of the accretion disk, which is so hot it gives off x-rays. These then appear to us as quasars. If our view is right above the pole of the black hole, then a jet is pointed in our direction and we see it as a blazar.

But this assumes we can actually have a clear view of things. Some galaxies are incredibly dusty, which means our view of the black hole and its accretion disk is obscured. Even if the black hole is active it would be hard to see it through all the dust of the galaxy. This is where infrared astronomy comes in handy.

Dust obscures shorter wavelengths of light, such as visible light and x-rays, but it doesn’t obscure longer wavelengths like infrared. When an active black hole is in a dusty galaxy, the energy it produces heats the surrounding dust, causing the dust to radiate in the infrared. As a result, the galaxies are somewhat hot, which is why they are known as hot Dust Obscured Galaxies, or hot DOGs (who said astronomers can’t have a sense of humor). These galaxies are not seen in the visible spectrum, but are very bright in the infrared.

Dust obscures shorter wavelengths of light, such as visible light and x-rays, but it doesn’t obscure longer wavelengths like infrared. When an active black hole is in a dusty galaxy, the energy it produces heats the surrounding dust, causing the dust to radiate in the infrared. As a result, the galaxies are somewhat hot, which is why they are known as hot Dust Obscured Galaxies, or hot DOGs (who said astronomers can’t have a sense of humor). These galaxies are not seen in the visible spectrum, but are very bright in the infrared.

You can see this in the image above, which shows a small region of sky surveyed by the WISE space telescope. The circles indicate where these hidden black holes have been detected. The images on the right show a close up of the center circle at different infrared wavelengths, going shorter to longer from top to bottom. You can see that even in shorter infrared the galaxy is not very visible, but moving to longer wavelengths the galaxy soon appears quite bright.

When WISE completed its full sky survey, about 1.6 million “hidden” black holes were discovered. Some of these are billions of light years away, which will help give us a better understanding of how these supermassive black holes evolve within galaxies.

Black holes moving the Path of Gas Clouds

Last September a planet-massed gas cloud known as G2 made a close approach to the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. At minimum distance it will pass within about 260 AU of the black hole, which is about a third as close as any other object so observed. It will be close enough that it will enter the hot accretion region of the black hole, and may provide the first observation of matter as it is absorbed by the black hole. You can see observations of the gas cloud over the past several years in the figure below.

Because the cloud is diffuse, rather than a compact object like a star, it will also provide a way to probe the region around the supermassive black hole. It is thought that stellar mass black holes might orbit close to the supermassive black hole, but these would be difficult to observe directly. However if any interact with the G2 cloud during close approach, their effects will be observed.

The reason why it is so difficult to observe has nothing to do with the supermassive black hole itself. It is only 26,000 light years away, which is rather close on astronomical terms. The problem is that it’s obscured by gas and dust, which blocks most light in the visible spectrum. To observe objects near galactic center, astronomers look for infrared and radio emissions from the region, which penetrate the dust more easily. But to get high resolution images, arrays of telescopes must be used, such as the Very Large Telescope (VLT) array.

the cloud is diffuse, rather than a compact object like a star, it will also provide a way to probe the region around the supermassive black hole.

Currently the highest resolution observations are made in the infrared, and they resolve objects to about the size of Mercury’s orbit. In the future we may have even better ways to peer behind the veil. But this Fall, no less than six major observatories will be keeping an eye on the center of our galaxy to see what happens to this planetary cloud.

What Could No Black Holes Mean?

Due to the news of a radical new theory proposing that the universe began from a hyper-dimensional black hole. Most of the reports seem to stem from an article posted a while back on the Nature blog, which references the original paper. So let’s have a little reality check.

No one is abandoning the big bang model. The original paper hasn’t even been peer reviewed yet and the paper doesn’t present a radical new theory to overturn the big bang. What the paper is actually about is higher-dimensional gravitational theory.

The standard theory of gravity (general relativity) describes our universe as a geometry of three-dimensional space with one dimension of time. This is sometimes called 3 + 1 space, and it gives a very accurate description of the universe we observe. But theorists like to play around with alternative models to see how they differ from regular general relativity. They may look at 2 + 1 space, a kind of flatland with time, or 2 + 2, with two time dimensions. There isn’t necessarily anything “real” about these models, and there certainly isn’t any experimental evidence to support anything other than 3 + 1 gravity, but alternative models are useful because they help us gain a deeper understanding of general relativity. In this particular paper, the authors were exploring 4 + 1 gravity. That is, a five-dimensional universe with 4 spatial dimensions and 1 time.

Back in 2000, another team of authors proposed a model where our regular 3 + 1 gravity could be treated as a brane within a larger 4 + 1 universe. It is similar to the way a 2 + 1 universe could be imagined as a 2-dimensional surface (the brane) within our 3-dimensional space. In the 2000 paper, the authors showed that a particular 4 + 1 universe with a 3 + 1 brane could give rise to the type of gravity we actually see.

The new paper takes this model one step further. In it, the authors show that 4 + 1 gravity allows for the existence of black holes. So if a 4 + 1 universe had large stars, some of those stars could collapse into a 4-dimensional “hyper black hole”. Like black holes in regular general relativity, these hyper black holes would have a central “singularity” of extremely dense and hot matter/energy. The authors then went on to show that a hyper black hole with the right conditions could not only create a three-dimensional brane, but the new brane would look very similar to the early universe we actually observe.

In other words, if we imagine a five-dimensional 4 + 1 universe, and if such a universe could create stars that collapse into hyper black holes, and if a particular hyper black hole had the right energy, then it might be possible for for such a hyper black hole to produce a 3 + 1 brane-universe with a beginning that looks like a big bang. That’s a lot of ifs.

Just to be clear, this is good theoretical work. The model is interesting, and it shows a curious connection between the universe we observe and higher-dimensional gravity. It could also address some of the issues in cosmology, but it also predicts the universe is flat, which as I mentioned yesterday may not be the case. The authors note this problem, and are careful not to make broad claims. They also outline possible ways that such a model could be tested. This is what good theoreticians do.

But currently there is no experimental evidence to support higher-dimensions, much less hyper black holes. So don’t toss the big bang or black holes just yet.

There Are Such Things as Black Holes

NASA Rover Drill Pulls First Taste From Mars Mountain

September 25, 2014

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover has collected its first taste of the layered mountain whose scientific allure drew the mission to choose this part of Mars as a landing site.

Late Wednesday, Sept. 24, the rover’s hammering drill chewed about 2.6 inches (6.7 centimeters) deep into a basal-layer outcrop on Mount Sharp and collected a powdered-rock sample. Data and images received early Thursday at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, confirmed success of this operation. The powder collected by the drilling is temporarily held within the sample-handling mechanism on the rover’s arm.

“This drilling target is at the lowest part of the base layer of the mountain, and from here we plan to examine the higher, younger layers exposed in the nearby hills,” said Curiosity Deputy Project Scientist Ashwin Vasavada of JPL. “This first look at rocks we believe to underlie Mount Sharp is exciting because it will begin to form a picture of the environment at the time the mountain formed, and what led to its growth.”

After landing on Mars in August 2012 but before beginning the drive toward Mount Sharp, Curiosity spent much of the mission’s first year productively studying an area much closer to the landing site, but in the opposite direction. The mission accomplished its science goals in that Yellowknife Bay area. Analysis of drilled rocks there disclosed an ancient lakebed environment that, more than three billion years ago, offered ingredients and a chemical energy gradient favorable for microbes, if any existed there.

From Yellowknife Bay to the base of Mount Sharp, Curiosity drove more than 5 miles (8 kilometers) in about 15 months, with pauses at a few science waypoints. The emphasis in mission operations has now changed from drive, drive, drive to systematic layer-by-layer investigation.

“We’re putting on the brakes to study this amazing mountain,” said Curiosity Deputy Project Manager Jennifer Trosper of JPL. “Curiosity flew hundreds of millions of miles to do this.”

Curiosity arrived Sept. 19 at an outcrop called “Pahrump Hills,” which is a section of the mountain’s basal geological unit, called the Murray formation. Three days later, the rover completed a “mini-drill” procedure at the selected drilling target, “Confidence Hills,” to assess the target rock’s suitability for drilling. A mini-drill activity last month determined that a rock slab under consideration then was not stable enough for full drilling, but Confidence Hills passed this test.

The rock is softer than any of the previous three targets where Curiosity has collected a drilled sample for analysis.

Between the mini-drill test and the sample-collection drilling, researchers used tools on Curiosity’s mast and robotic arm for close-up inspection of geometrically distinctive features on the nearby surface of the rock.

These features on the Murray formation mudstones are the accumulations of resistant materials. They occur both as discrete clusters and as dendrites, where forms are arranged in tree-like branching. By investigating the shapes and chemical ingredients in these features, the team hopes to gain information about the possible composition of fluids at this Martian location long ago.

The next step will be to deliver the rock-powder sample into a scoop on the rover’s arm. In the open scoop, the powder’s texture can be observed for an assessment of whether it is safe for further sieving, portioning and delivery into Curiosity’s internal laboratory instruments without clogging hardware. The instruments can perform many types of analysis to identify chemistry and mineralogy of the source rock.

NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory Project is using Curiosity to assess ancient habitable environments and major changes in Martian environmental conditions. JPL, a division of Caltech, built the rover and manages the project for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

For more information about Curiosity, visit: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/msl , http://www.nasa.gov/msl and http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/

You can follow the mission on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/marscuriosity

and on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/marscuriosity

NASA Rover Drill Pulls First Taste From Mars Mountain

On/off switch for aging cells discovered by scientists


An on-and-off “switch” has been discovered in cells that may hold the key to healthy aging. This switch points to a way to encourage healthy cells to keep dividing and generating, for example, new lung or liver tissue, even in old age. In our bodies, newly divided cells constantly. However, most human cells cannot divide indefinitely -– with each division, a cellular timekeeper at the ends of chromosomes shortens. When this timekeeper becomes too short, cells can no longer divide, causing organs and tissues to degenerate, as often happens in old age. But there is a way around this countdown, researchers have found.

Scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered an on-and-off “switch” in cells that may hold the key to healthy aging. This switch points to a way to encourage healthy cells to keep dividing and generating, for example, new lung or liver tissue, even in old age.

In our bodies, newly divided cells constantly replenish lungs, skin, liver and other organs. However, most human cells cannot divide indefinitely–with each division, a cellular timekeeper at the ends of chromosomes shortens. When this timekeeper, called a telomere, becomes too short, cells can no longer divide, causing organs and tissues to degenerate, as often happens in old age. But there is a way around this countdown: some cells produce an enzyme called telomerase, which rebuilds telomeres and allows cells to divide indefinitely.

In a new study published September 19 in the journal Genes and Development, scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered that telomerase, even when present, can be turned off.

“Previous studies had suggested that once assembled, telomerase is available whenever it is needed,” says senior author Vicki Lundblad, professor and holder of Salk’s Ralph S. and Becky O’Connor Chair. “We were surprised to discover instead that telomerase has what is in essence an ‘off’ switch, whereby it disassembles.”

Understanding how this “off” switch can be manipulated–thereby slowing down the telomere shortening process–could lead to treatments for diseases of aging (for example, regenerating vital organs later in life).

Lundblad and first author and graduate student Timothy Tucey conducted their studies in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the same yeast used to make wine and bread. Previously, Lundblad’s group used this simple single-celled organism to reveal numerous insights about telomerase and lay the groundwork for guiding similar findings in human cells.

“We wanted to be able to study each component of the telomerase complex but that turned out to not be a simple task,” Tucey said. Tucey developed a strategy that allowed him to observe each component during cell growth and division at very high resolution, leading to an unanticipated set of discoveries into how–and when–this telomere-dedicated machine puts itself together.

Every time a cell divides, its entire genome must be duplicated. While this duplication is going on, Tucey discovered that telomerase sits poised as a “preassembly” complex, missing a critical molecular subunit. But when the genome has been fully duplicated, the missing subunit joins its companions to form a complete, fully active telomerase complex, at which point telomerase can replenish the ends of eroding chromosomes and ensure robust cell division.

Surprisingly, however, Tucey and Lundblad showed that immediately after the full telomerase complex has been assembled, it rapidly disassembles to form an inactive “disassembly” complex — essentially flipping the switch into the “off” position. They speculate that this disassembly pathway may provide a means of keeping telomerase at exceptionally low levels inside the cell. Although eroding telomeres in normal cells can contribute to the aging process, cancer cells, in contrast, rely on elevated telomerase levels to ensure unregulated cell growth. The “off” switch discovered by Tucey and Lundblad may help keep telomerase activity below this threshold.

On/off switch for aging cells discovered by scientists

Japanese company plans to build a functioning space elevator by 2050

A Japanese construction company has announced it’s using carbon nanotubes to build a 96,000-kilometre-tall space elevator that will take people and cargo into space for a low cost.

Space elevators have long been the realm of science fiction, but the Obayashi Corporation in Japan has now announced that they’re planning to have one up and running in the next 40 years. And, if they’re successful, it could revolutionise space travel – it’s estimated the elevator would be able to take people into space for one percent of the cost of a rocket.

Although it might sound impossible, a 2012 international study already concluded that space elevators such as this one are scientifically feasible thanks to advances in super-strong carbon nanotubes. “The tensile strength is almost a hundred times stronger than steel cable so it’s possible,” Yoji Ishikawa, a research and development manager at Obayashi, told Matthew Carney from Australia’s ABC.

But the big hurdle is trying to make carbon nanotubes long enough to reach into space, at the moment the Obayashi Corporation admits they can only create nanotubes that are 3 centimetres long. Researchers all over Japan are now working on dramatically extending this length – they even run competitions each year to collaborate on the problem, Carney reports for ABC.

“We think by 2030 we’ll be able to do it,” Ishikawa said.

Even though the cables aren’t ready as yet, scientists at Kanagawa University in Japan are already working on robotic cars to climb the 96,000 kilometres into space – around a quarter of the distance to the Moon. It’s estimated so far that the cars will be able to take 30 people into space at once.

An elevator like this could end our reliance on expensive and unreliable Earth-based rockets – Carney reports hat while a space shuttle costs around $22,000 to take one kilogram of cargo into space, a space elevator could do the same for around $200.

Of course, rockets would still be used to explore further into the Solar System, but these could be launched from platforms in orbit, which would reduce the amount of fuel required to break free of Earth’s gravity.

The elevator could also open up the opportunity of cheaper space tourism. While it’s a pretty exciting announcement, there’s obviously still a long way to go, and Obayashi isn’t going to try and get there alone.

“I don’t think one company can make it, we’ll need an international organisation to make this big project,” said Ishikawa.

In the past it’s been competition that’s advanced humanity’s explorations into space, so we think it would be nice to see collaboration do the same.

Japanese company plans to build a functioning space elevator by 2050

MAVEN and Mangalyaan Send Back First Snaps Of Mars

After spending almost a year getting to Mars, India’s Mangalyaan and NASA’s MAVEN are certainly not wasting any time. Both managed to beam back their first snaps of the Red Planet within hours of arrival.

On the evening of Sunday September 21, a mere eight hours after slipping into orbit, the MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) spacecraft used its Imaging UV Spectrograph to grab false color images in three different UV wavelengths. The observations were taken from an altitude of 36,500 kilometers (22,680 miles), according to the NASA website.

As described by NASA officials, blue shows UV light from the Sun that has been scattered by hydrogen in a huge cloud extending thousands of kilometers above Mars’ surface. Green again shows UV from the Sun but this time it has been reflected off of oxygen in a smaller cloud. Finally, red shows UV reflected from the planet’s surface. The bright patch at the bottom is light that has probably been reflected from polar ice.

The reason that the green cloud is tighter to the planet is because oxygen gas is held close by gravity; hydrogen gas is lighter and so reaches higher altitudes. Both of them result from the breakdown of water molecules and CO2 in the atmosphere. Researchers hope to use observations such as this to determine the rate that gases are escaping from the Martian atmosphere into space. This will hopefully help us understand why Mars transitioned from a wet planet to the cold, dry world that we see today.

This morning, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) officials uploaded a photo from Mangalyaan onto its Twitter and Facebook pages, with the caption “The view is nice up here.” The photo showcased Mars’ crater-speckled surface, snapped from a height of 7,300 kilometers (4,536 miles). According to senior scientist V. Koteswara Rao, the craft has already taken more than ten photos and is functioning well.

Freedawn Scientia - ISRO
“The Mars color camera on board started working soon after Orbiter stabilized in the elliptical orbit of Mars and has taken a dozen quality pictures of its surface and its surroundings,” Rao told AFP News. “The camera will also take images of the Red Planet’s two moons and beam them into our deep space network center.”

Getting to Mars is no small feat; over half the attempts to reach the planet have failed. Remarkably, ISRO managed to safely arrive on its maiden voyage, making it only the second space agency to do so. Furthermore, the mission only cost $74 million; a fraction of MAVEN’s $671 million price tag. While critics have argued that a poverty-stricken developing country should not be wasting money on space exploration, boosting its space business has the potential to put a substantial amount of money in the country’s wallet by attracting investors and customers to hire launch rockets.

What is MAVEN? incase you haven’t heard :)

The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission is part of NASA’s Mars Scout program, funded by NASA Headquarters. Launched in Nov. 2013, the mission will explore the Red Planet’s upper atmosphere, ionosphere and interactions with the sun and solar wind.

Scientists will use MAVEN data to determine the role that loss of volatiles from the Mars atmosphere to space has played through time, giving insight into the history of Mars’ atmosphere and climate, liquid water, and planetary habitability.

The principal investigator is Dr. Bruce Jakosky of the University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (CU/LASP).

MAVEN is the first Mars mission managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center.

Download the MAVEN Mission Fact Sheet (pdf).

MAVEN’s instrument suite will consist of eight sensors:

– Magnetometer

– Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer

– Langmuir Probe and Waves

– Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrometer

– Solar Wind Electron Analyzer

– Solar Wind Ion Analyzer

– Solar Energetic Particles

– SupraThermal And Thermal Ion Composition


The University of Colorado will coordinate the science team and science operations and lead the education and public outreach activities.

NASA Goddard will also provide mission systems engineering, mission design, and safety and mission assurance.

Instruments on the spacecraft will be provided by the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Colorado, Boulder, and NASA Goddard, with the Centre d’Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse, France, providing the sensor for one instrument.

Lockheed Martin Corp., based in Bethesda, Md., will develop the spacecraft, conduct assembly, test and launch operations, and provide mission operations at their Littleton, Colorado facility.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., will provide navigation support, the Deep Space Network, and Electra telecommunications relay package.

Current News on MAVEN

NASA’s Newest Mars Mission Spacecraft Enters Orbit around Red Planet

NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft successfully entered Mars’ orbit at 10:24 p.m. EDT Sunday, Sept. 21, where it now will prepare to study the Red Planet’s upper atmosphere as never done before. MAVEN is the first spacecraft dedicated to exploring the tenuous upper atmosphere of Mars.

“As the first orbiter dedicated to studying Mars’ upper atmosphere, MAVEN will greatly improve our understanding of the history of the Martian atmosphere, how the climate has changed over time, and how that has influenced the evolution of the surface and the potential habitability of the planet,” said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. “It also will better inform a future mission to send humans to the Red Planet in the 2030s.”

After a 10-month journey, confirmation of successful orbit insertion was received from MAVEN data observed at the Lockheed Martin operations center in Littleton, Colorado, as well as from tracking data monitored at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) navigation facility in Pasadena, California. The telemetry and tracking data were received by NASA’s Deep Space Network antenna station in Canberra, Australia.

“NASA has a long history of scientific discovery at Mars and the safe arrival of MAVEN opens another chapter,” said John Grunsfeld, astronaut and associate administrator of the NASA Science Mission Directorate at the agency’s Headquarters in Washington. “Maven will complement NASA’s other Martian robotic explorers—and those of our partners around the globe—to answer some fundamental questions about Mars and life beyond Earth.”

Following orbit insertion, MAVEN will begin a six-week commissioning phase that includes maneuvering into its final science orbit and testing the instruments and science-mapping commands. MAVEN then will begin its one Earth-year primary mission, taking measurements of the composition, structure and escape of gases in Mars’ upper atmosphere and its interaction with the sun and solar wind.

Freedawn Scientia - MAVEN NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft successfully entered Mars’ orbit at 10:24 p.m. EDT Sunday, Sept. 21, where it now will prepare to study the Red Planet’s upper atmosphere as never done before. MAVEN is the first spacecraft dedicated to exploring the tenuous upper atmosphere of Mars. Members of the mission team at the Lockheed Martin Mission Support Area in Littleton, Colorado, celebrate after successfully inserting NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft into orbit around Mars at 10:24 p.m. EDT Sunday, Sept. 21.
Image Credit:
Lockheed Martin

“It’s taken 11 years from the original concept for MAVEN to now having a spacecraft in orbit at Mars,” said Bruce Jakosky, MAVEN principal investigator with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder (CU/LASP). “I’m delighted to be here safely and successfully, and looking forward to starting our science mission.”

The primary mission includes five “deep-dip” campaigns, in which MAVEN’s periapsis, or lowest orbit altitude, will be lowered from 93 miles (150 kilometers) to about 77 miles (125 kilometers). These measurements will provide information down to where the upper and lower atmospheres meet, giving scientists a full profile of the upper tier.

“This was a very big day for MAVEN,” said David Mitchell, MAVEN project manager from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. “We’re very excited to join the constellation of spacecraft in orbit at Mars and on the surface of the Red Planet. The commissioning phase will keep the operations team busy for the next six weeks, and then we’ll begin, at last, the science phase of the mission. Congratulations to the team for a job well done today.”

MAVEN launched Nov. 18, 2013, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, carrying three instrument packages. The Particles and Fields Package, built by the University of California at Berkeley with support from CU/LASP and Goddard contains six instruments that will characterize the solar wind and the ionosphere of the planet. The Remote Sensing Package, built by CU/LASP, will identify characteristics present throughout the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer, provided by Goddard, will measure the composition and isotopes of atomic particles.

MAVEN’s principal investigator is based at CU/LASP. The university provided two science instruments and leads science operations, as well as education and public outreach, for the mission. The University of California at Berkeley’s Space Sciences Laboratory also provided four science instruments for the mission. Goddard manages the MAVEN project. Lockheed Martin built the spacecraft and is responsible for mission operations. JPL provides navigation and Deep Space Network support, as well as Electra telecommunications relay hardware and operations.

For more information please visit the NASA site here

MAVEN and Mangalyaan Send Back First Snaps Of Mars